Monday 1 June 2020

More Embassies

Seems like a fun idea to take pictures of embassies I come across in my walks.  Last time I posted pictures of three of them, grouped for some reason.  Today I came across some others, and here is a second instalment.  No subtext.  I just happened to walk by them.  See what you think of their architecture. 

This one is Bosnia, if I remember correctly.  It sits in a tree-lined street, very quaint.

The Embassy of Romania.  It's actually quite a large complex.  There are three or four of these squat buildings in the compound.  On a very busy street

Here we have Serbia.  It's actually right next to the Bosnian Embassy.  I wonder if the neighbours get along?  The Serbian Embassy has a huge garden attached to it.  Looks more like a high-end bed and breakfast setup.

Slovakia.  It doesn't look like much, but its location is quite prime.  It's a couple of blocks away from Rideau Cottage (where the Prime Minister lives while the official residence is being renovated) as well as Rideau Hall (where the Governor General's residence is).


OK, folks.  Don't want to do too many each time.  Let me know what you think.  Oh, yeah, if there's anyone you would like to see posted, let me know and I will try to find it and take a pic.

Till next time!


  1. You're incredible. Three to four hour marches, and sometimes under load. My four cylinder is shot after an hour. And I don't think there would be energy available to be constantly thinking. I would probably just be wondering whether there's enough to get me back...


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.