Friday 25 January 2019

Well Screw You, Too!

After much deliberation, I decided to drop a Sociology of the Family class.  Since this is the end of the third week of classes, and it's a bit late to take another one, I am stuck with just four this semester.  Still FT, but it sucks that I am not taking the max number of courses.

Why did I drop the class?

I am interested in the subject matter.  Based on what I saw so far, I had little doubt of an A.  AND, I had already finished the term paper that's due March 12.

But I can't stand the prof.

Or, more precisely, she can't stand me.  Or any other men for that matter.  I think she has a lot of baggage, and misandry is definitely in the air that she breathes.

I sat through five lectures and every time I kept asking myself why I was there.  I could skip class, but she also gave random in-class assignments that are graded.  So damned if I do, damned if I don't, eh?

So I figured, well, I don't need this credit.  I don't need this course.  I am not in sociology.  And I certainly don't need this shit.

Today being the drop deadline, I dropped the damn class.  The only unfortunate bit of that is that I won't have a chance to trash her on her teaching evaluations.  Yeah, and of course my term paper is wasted (but as you well know, in business we call that SUNK COST, eh?).


On a different note, this freezing and thawing weather this winter has been horrific.  One day it's -25, and the next it's 20 degrees warmer.  So snow melts, forms puddles everywhere, and freezes back into a fucking hockey rink.  Makes walking very treacherous.  So do be careful as you navigate the winter roads.

And now we're heading back into the cold.  From a high of zero Celcius yesterday we are getting a low of -22 today and -18 tomorrow.  Here we go again!

Stay warm if you're in cold climes.

Tuesday 15 January 2019


Business research is SO boring.  This sounds like a hell lot more fun!  Too bad I don't qualify.  Could use the money!



Silly cat wandered onto thin ice

Had to be rescued by firefighters!

Don't push your luck next time!

Monday 14 January 2019

Everyone is lining up!

Waiting to go into the classroom.  Proof we're in Canada.  Look how everyone just automatically lines up!  :)

Saturday 12 January 2019


As I walked out into the frigid cold this morning, I passed by this gentleman.  I said, "Good Morning."

He said, "Kind of cold today, eh, kid?"

Haha, made my day!

Friday 11 January 2019

Sort of like Hawaii?

Should be loads of fun walking to campus this morning...

 You know it's really cold when:

1.  A merino wool beanie and a fleece hood TOGETHER don't keep your head from freezing.
2.  When your thinsulate boots and heavy wool socks don't stop your toes from going numb.
3.  When denim feels more like a sheet of ice on your legs.
4.  When your polyester and fleece gloves only serve to keep your frozen fingers from completely falling off.
5.  When people in Ottawa actually STOP riding their damn bicycles...

And the ice is closing in!  Expecting to see the Titanic iceberg any time now...


Thursday 10 January 2019


As you may recall, I again have my fave TA in another history class.
This morning I saw her as she came into the classroom.   Started chatting with her, all nice and friendly.  I am so sweet -- trailing evil snickers...

Tuesday 8 January 2019

A Pretty Interesting Prof

Finally, a prof who doesn't stand behind the podium and refer to notes every 5 minutes!

I had some very decent profs last semester, but this semester, in my 20th Century history class, the prof walks the room, talks to the class, gesticulates wildly as he gets excited, and only sparingly uses powerpoint.  And so loud he doesn't need a mike though he's lecturing 200 people.

And he said to the class, "you should feel free to email me, but you must have a greeting in your email."  Haha!  No, he doesn't care to be greeted as Dr. So and So.  Even a simple hello will do.  But greeting there must be.  "It's a piece of communication after all," he said.
Some of you will probably understand why I like this guy (so far). 

On the negative side, one of his TAs is the very same TA I had last semester in Canadian history.  The one who doesn't know what received view is.  Sigh.  Just can't have everything, eh?

Saturday 5 January 2019


Classes start again on January 7.

Only got one syllabus so far.  I don't understand it.  I used to set up and post my syllabi three months before the next semester begins.  Why aren't the new syllabi posted with just 48 hours to go?  There should be a rule about that!

Got most of my textbooks though, except for French 2.  

Four of the five courses I took last semester have posted the final grades.  Waiting on my anthropology class.  So far I'm quite happy with the results.  Hope anthropology doesn't bring down my GPA!

To anyone reading this who cares about semesters and stuff, Have a GREAT semester!

Summer is just around the corner (though with temperatures expected to dip to -21 tomorrow night, it's really quite hard to think about summer yet).