Tuesday 8 January 2019

A Pretty Interesting Prof

Finally, a prof who doesn't stand behind the podium and refer to notes every 5 minutes!

I had some very decent profs last semester, but this semester, in my 20th Century history class, the prof walks the room, talks to the class, gesticulates wildly as he gets excited, and only sparingly uses powerpoint.  And so loud he doesn't need a mike though he's lecturing 200 people.

And he said to the class, "you should feel free to email me, but you must have a greeting in your email."  Haha!  No, he doesn't care to be greeted as Dr. So and So.  Even a simple hello will do.  But greeting there must be.  "It's a piece of communication after all," he said.
Some of you will probably understand why I like this guy (so far). 

On the negative side, one of his TAs is the very same TA I had last semester in Canadian history.  The one who doesn't know what received view is.  Sigh.  Just can't have everything, eh?


  1. Sounds like someone many of us had at Etown 😉! Maybe take that TA out for a drink to inform them of how they should be doing their job!

    1. Haha, all i need is for her to grade my paper AGAIN!!! :)


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