Saturday 20 June 2020

If I had a canoe

On this brutally hot day, these people have the right idea.

I was crossing a bridge over the Rideau River.  Guy in a kayak and a couple in a canoe.  I love canoeing.  Wish I had one today!  It would have been neat.

Further along on my walk today, I heard someone shouting "Have a Good Day!"  I turned, and a man was poking his head out a window, and waved at me.  He repeated, "Have a Good Day!" and gave me a thumbs up sign.  How nice!  A total stranger doing that, in a city of a million people.  It really makes your day, doesn't it?  Now, why can't we all be nice to one another like that?  The world would be such a happier place.

Strangely, this brief encounter reminded me a Robert Graves poem, which ends like this:

Fever and fear distract the world,
But calm be you though madmen shout,
Through blazing fires of battle hurled,
Hate not, strike, fear not, stare Death out!


  1. I think they make inflatable ones if you're interested. Happy Father's Day Ed!

    1. Haha I just found out that you can rent canoes near the canal. Will check that out!


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.