Wednesday 3 June 2020

Another batch

Note to self:  Before going on a three hour walk, do NOT drink four cups of coffee.


Here are today's collection of embassy pics.

This is the Algerian Embassy.  Looks pretty neat, like some medieval castle.

This is Ivory Coast.  Not much to say, since I actually don't quite know where Ivory Coast is, other than it's in Africa somewhere?

This huge complex houses the High Commission of Kenya.  I believe Brunei is represented there as well.  I just love the stone work on the building.

This is the Embassy of Mali.  Doesn't it look like some chateau in the Alps or something?


I realize too that most of the time, the ambassadors live somewhere else, and that their residences tend to be much grander than the embassies themselves.  But it's hard to find them ahead of time, since well, I guess they don't really want to broadcast where the dignatories live.  I have passed by some of those mansions on my walks, but I think the task of photographing them is not very conducive to any pre-planning.  Maybe for down the road.

Any thoughts on this embassy picture tour?  Is it interesting?  Boring?  Any suggestions?  I have more pics, but it's getting more and more difficult to locate and film them now.  Please let me know if you have any comments.

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