Monday 8 June 2020

Across the River, and more Embassy Pics

Took a very long march today, covering maybe 11-12 miles.  Ventured into a place called Rockcliffe Park, known not because it is particularly large, but because of its view.  It overlooks the Ottawa River, across to the Quebec side.  You can see the Gatineau hills (Having lived in Oregon, I refuse to call anything under 10,000 feet a mountain).  I took a picture of a quaint village community across the river.  You can see an old church, I guess it's the St. Francis de Sale Church, and some home dotting the river bank.  Quite pretty, though my inadequate photography skills fail to do it justice.  But here goes:

Sorry, I know it's a bad picture, but you look across the river you can see the little village and the church on your left.

It was a good march today, and I saw a lot of landmarks and so on.  I crossed a highway overpass, and briefly wondered if it was high enough over the road to kill me instantly if I were to jump.  What a thought!  I do wonder, though.

Anyway, I still have some photos of embassies in my inventory, so I might have well post some of them here.  If nothing else, we got pictures!  Enjoy!

This is Aga Khan Foundation.  Not technically an embassy per se, but it represents a branch of the Islamic faith, I believe, and is steep in charity work and so on.  Quite a nice-looking building.  Must be loaded.

This is Austria.  You know how I always said what goes up must come down, that nothing lasts forever?  Think about the might of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at its peak.  It was one of the major powers of Europe, and indeed was a key player in settling the Napoleonic Wars with the Congress of Vienna.   What would its embassies have been like back then?

Brazil.  Member of the stupid BRIC (those of you who had me will know why this whole BRIC thing is stupid).  Well, at least it's a nice-looking building.  Ambassador's residence is next door, similar style.

This, my friends, is Cuba.  Looks like a bunker, doesn't it?  Probably built when they feared an American invasion, though Canada has had diplomatic relations with them for a very long time.  In fact, loads of Canadians travel there (at least before Covid 19) for vacation.  It's cheap, so they say.  Never been.  So no clue.

Kuwait.  Another oil country building an impressive embassy.  Where would they be if not for Desert Storm?

The Palestinian General Delegation. Right next to the Rideau Canal, and across the University of Ottawa.

The Vatican representative.  This is just the gateway entrance to the premises.  It's more like some medieval castle than anything.  Huge tract of land, and impressive structures inside.  Located in a very exclusive part of town, all million dollar homes.  The only cars that aren't Mercedes or BMWs are ones that belong to contractors and other workers who do stuff there.  Organized religion is big business, man.

OK, I have one more batch of embassy pics to come, and that's it.  Will find some other themes to use in future.

Be well!


  1. Humans are very much social beings. Take it easy as this isolation can deleteriously affect our psyches.


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