Sunday 31 May 2020

Of Popular Culture and Monoliths

I decided to take it easy today and so I ventured out for a leisurely walk,  I still have my backpack on me, but I unloaded most of the stuff so the thing weighed probably no more than 10 pounds.  As I said, it was to be a leisurely walk.  And no particular route in mind either.

Anyway, since Ottawa is a capital city, there are lots of embassies around.  Some are quite grand and imposing (e.g. the US Embassy or the UK High Commission).  Some are no more than a random brick house somewhere (e.g. Egypt or Mali).  Still some are impressive but not imposing (e.g. France or Japan).  By the way, if you were wondering, fellow Commonwealth countries don't have embassies, but instead have high commissions.  Same thing, different label.  As I was walking, I thought, hey, let's take some pictures.  So today I give you a first instalment (for all I know, the only).

There was no wind, so you probably can't see the flag.  But it's Russia.  Quite monolithic, if you ask me.

Can you see the "logo" at the front entrance?  It's the Chinese Embassy.  A very large compound.  I almost expected to see some PLA troops patrolling the perimeter.

And this is the Saudi Arabia Embassy.  I wish Ottawa would rename the street Khashoggi Street or something.  But alas.

I thought I'd just give you three today.  Why these three?  Well, I came upon them during my walk today.  As to whether there are commonalities among these governments, I will let you be the judge.  Not to keen to disappear...


On a side note (here's the popular culture part of today's post), I was at a stop light, and some guy behind me said to his friend: "He's going to kill me, he's a US Colonial Marine!"  Haha.  I turned around, and he looked at me and said "you're not going to kill me, are you?"  Now I don't know if he was being funny, but for all I know he didn't understand the popular culture connection.  Maybe he thought I was one of those military wanna-bes.  Either way, I just walked on.  Not my job to educate him on popular culture...  :)

Picture of the patch on my backpack shown below.  Do you know the popular culture reference?

Ok, well, till next time.  Maybe I will take more embassy pictures and share them.  After all, I do need some distraction over a three hour walk!  Take good care, friends.  Be safe.


  1. How much say do countries have re. the design and location of their embassies? Thanks.

  2. I would have thought it's all up the country. After all, it's THEIR building, no?


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.