Friday 22 May 2020

What Degree to Pursue?

Nowadays one has nothing but time.  So I've been thinking (again) about life after this degree which will be done in a year.  At least that's the plan.  I will get a Bachelor of Arts.  Pretty cool.  Never had one before.  Then what else?

As you may recall, I have a few options.  I can try a MA in Sociology, or a MEd.  I can opt for another undergrad degree, and there I have two choices as well.  Just found out that I can do a Bachelor of Social Sciences with minors in sociology and something else (maybe history and perhaps law).  I can also do another Bachelor of Arts with minors in the same things.

Undergrad sounds more fun.  So I guess it just comes down to whether I want a degree from Social Science or Arts.  I know, these are really minor things.  But, seriously, folks, what the hell else is there for me to mull over?

I like the Faculty of Arts.  The people there (the admin folks) are usually very nice and personable.  At the Faculty of Social Sciences, they are more corporate.  Less friendly.  Both are just undergraduate degrees, but I have never had a Bachelor of Social Sciences before... :)

Essentially I've written off the idea of doing a Master's.  What's the point?  Yeah, so my fellow students will be a bit older.  But really, is it going to be that much different for me to sit with a bunch of 20 year-olds versus a bunch of 24 year-olds?  I think not.  Either way I am older than their parents...

Any thoughts?

Oh well, good to have one more thing to occupy my mind. 


BTW, thanks to those who were kind enough to give me some feedback on courses.  I register next Tuesday at 8.  I will post my course selections after I have registered.  And we can see how they jibe with your suggestions then!

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