Thursday 16 May 2019

That time of year

Well, the school year is officially over.  Grades are out.  Summer is on (not so much weather-wise, but for school, it's summer).  And it's time to plan out next year's course selections.

I register on June 4.  At UOttawa, we pick courses for both fall and winter semester (notice how, because it's Ottawa, the Jan-May term is not called Spring term, but WINTER term -- how fucking appropriate) over the summer.  We can go back and change our selections, but this is the first crack at getting into courses you really want.

Which takes me to a fork in the road.  Multiple forks, multiple roads, actually.

I don't live on campus, though it's close enough.  But I don't relish going in for a class, then waiting three or four hours for the next one.  So I like to pack them in tight, so I can go on campus, do the classes, and be done for the day.  That creates scheduling problems.  

Anyway, I have some courses that I plan to take, but I will have to filter some out and finalize my course schedule before June 4.  Let me run them by you, and if you have any suggestions, let me know!

For fall, my "consideration set" (can't help throwing a CB term in there) includes:

US history 1877-1945
Middle East history since WWI
British North America
Roman Empire
Intro to linguistics
Science and social thought (a philosophy class)
Political Sociology
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts

I need to narrow them down to five (that's a full load).  The only ones I'm sure about are US History and French.

And then there's Winter.  My consideration set includes:

Philosophy of history
Early Empire
British Empire
Europe in the 20th Century
British history 1800 to present
Sociology of the US

And again, I need to pick five.

Of course, some may not be available.  But if they all are, I have decisions to make.  Not easy.  If you have suggestions, please let me know.

Hmm, maybe I should take an Intro to Marketing as a grade booster???  Hahaha.


  1. Tough one Chung! Intro to linguistics and Science and Social thought sound like they would an interesting class. British North America could also prove interesting to hear the British influenced Canadian take on how things shook out on this continent.

    You should double up on French, really become a native speaker for your third career ahead! Lots of history there and all probably very interesting. Would be interested to hear your final decisions! Good luck and enjoy summer break!

    1. Thanks, Michael. I will post an entry once I have decided. Tough choices, as you said.


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