Thursday 19 March 2020

Visiting an empty campus

Decided to route my ruck march thing through campus today, just to see what things are like.  I thought I'd take this opportunity to give you a tour of the campus as well.  So if you are interested, read on!

I walked onto campus, and the first thing that struck me was how quiet everything was.  This street usually shuttle buses (to the medical school campus) waiting for students, and a lot of people milling around.  Now... you can play street hockey there if you're interested.

The glass highrise is the Faculty of Social Sciences building, the other three high rise buildings are some of the dorms.  Absolutely no one around.  So eerie.

 Another angle.  The Student Centre is that grey building with the painting thing on the wall.  This square thing in the front usually has a lot of people chilling and having an outdoor lunch and what not.  Fuck, it's like the campus got hit by a neutron bomb (if you actually understand the reference, you are dating yourself).

This lane way typically is the busiest thoroughfare on campus.  Takes you right downtown.  Today, not much traffic.  Oh yeah, there's that ONE person!

This is the engineering research complex.  Even normal times you need a special card key to get in.  Wonder what they do in there.  Maybe like the LAB in Stranger Things????  Hmm.

The main gym.  It's closed, of course.  No varsity or intramural sports.  Nothing.  I tell you, as I walked through campus, it's really like a ghost town.

But apparently something is brewing at the STEM building.  Wonder if the smoke is someone making dinner, or maybe dead bodies being incinerated...

No one allowed into the other gym either, although, really, even if they stayed open, who's around?

The library is closed too.  I wonder how people will do their research if they need actual books or things that are not digitized.  Wow.  Didn't think that would happen.

Well, that's it, folks.  After that, I decided to trek home and drink more coffee.  Got my fucking online course material to deal with.  I attended an online webinar thing the other day.  Hated every minute of it.  How anyone ever learns anything serious from those things is totally beyond me.  But that's another story, IF WE HAVE ANOTHER DAY!

Hope you liked the mini tour.

Stay healthy, and stay cheerful!

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