Sunday 15 March 2020

Covid 19

Well, this virus thing is certainly wreaking havoc all over the world.  Dictatorships can go and lock down tens of millions of people, and regulate people's movements.  Democracies don't have that luxury, even though in times of emergency they too are employing more draconian policies, and so they rely more on people's good sense.  Unfortunately good sense is really not particularly a human trait.  Take this toilet paper run, for example.  What's with that?

Anyway, on Friday UOttawa, like most other colleges and universities, moved all classes to online and distance methods.  I understand that.  The purpose to do this social distance thing and prevent transmission.  But of course, the next day, this St. Patrick's Day weekend, guess where all the college students go?  Parties everywhere, no?  So much for social distance.

Some of you will know that I hate online courses.  I hate it's bullshit.  And now as a student, I maintain that it's bullshit.  And since many of the courses are not designed for online delivery, now switching channel of distribution is a bit of an issue, no?  Things are in flux, and I actually don't know how the semester is going to turn out.

I think, given that in Canada our semester ends in just another three weeks, since we start earlier, they should just cancel the remainder and give people grades based on how they have done so far.  And be done with it.

This is inducing unnecessary stress for many students who are already stressed out.  Why add the uncertainty?  Let them go home to their families and what not, and wait this thing out. In the overall scheme of things, what's an extra three weeks of classes.  I think we're missing the forest for the trees here.  Have students submit their papers online if they are due at the end of term.  Hell, give a takehome final if you want.  But lose those classes!


I love it when all this public health people tell folks to use hand sanitizers.  OK, try finding some.  Sometimes these administrative types really need to get out of their fucking office and see the world for themselves.  Just like fucking college administrators.  Morons all.


So I heard that Etown is asking their contracts profs to do more courses for the same money.  That things are bad.  Oh I get that.  With administration like that, how can things not be bad.  Idiots.

But I remember when they were so adamant about building that fucking gym, wasn't the rationale that it would be what saves Etown?  That they were so sure, despite the fact that THE ONLY PERSON WITH A MARKETING PHD told them it was a mistake?  Fucking assholes.

In my previous life I helped major corporations do billion dollar deals.  Etown administrators thought they knew better.

Fuck them!


Anyhow, to my friends, stay safe.  Wash your hands.  But don't panic.  Listen to some MeatLoaf and drink some Johnny Walker Blue.  Fuck the rest.

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