Saturday 21 March 2020

Things we take for granted

For most of us who grew up and live in the First World, we tend to have a peculiar view of life, of normality.  My parent's generation went through two world wars and the Great Depression, onto Korea and Vietnam.  When the Vietnam War was in full swing, I was but a teenager.  So for people even younger than me, the Gen X and Y and Z of the world, what calamities have we (I include myself in this bunch of easy-living folks) ever actually encountered?

Well, I can speak of some pretty major recessions, and yeah, the Great Recession of 2008, and of course 9/11 and its aftermath.  But they didn't really affect me directly, you know what I mean?  True, they were of major social consequence, but compared to what my parents went through...

I guess what I'm trying to get at is that we need to calm down and take this virus thing in perspective.  Stop hoarding fucking toilet paper, for one.  And stop hoarding and wearing masks when you don't have to!  For fuck's sake.  The medical people who are on the frontline need that gear.  Not you, you tool!

Wow, feel better now that I let that out.

Anyway, was just thinking about some of the stuff that we just take for granted:

1.  I can always get anything I want whenever I want.
2.  Amazon has everything and I can get it the next day!
3.  Why do I need health insurance?
4.  I'm young, I'm invincible.
5.  It's a free country, so I can always count on bars and restaurants for drinks and food.
6.  My gym opens 24/7.  I don't need anything else.
7.  We have the best health facilities in the world.
8.  Shit things only happen in the Third World
9.  The US/Canadian Border NEVER EVER closes
10.  I can always get a job

Consider how untrue any of these things is.  I wish I had the foresight to prepare for some of the eventualities the above assumptions blinded me to.  Yes, Chunski is not perfect.  Never claimed to be, unlike some other so-called marketing professor I know.

On a brighter note, we get by, no?  We will pull through.  We make do.  And you know, we may even discover that we don't really need a lot of the shit that we normally get/do.  You know what I mean?

Anyhow, I hope you all take care and be careful.  Not point tempting fate.  I am going to make some homemade hand sanitizer now.  Can't buy that shit anywhere.  I guess assholes are hoarding them too.

Be well!


  1. Well put, thank you.

  2. Great pictures and perspective Chung! Very interesting to see these major cities as empty as they are, but it's what must be done. We've had some dumbassery around these parts too, most recently the neighbors across the street. Our neighbors had a few friends over yesterday. Not a major deal if you keep distances right? Quick backstory, the Dad works in the food service industry at a management level so minimal customer interaction and they have a 3 year old daughter with severe special needs ie compromised system so even dumber! Ok, I'm watching from my kitchen window cleaning dishes when they roll up and what do I see, the male neighbor and the dad friend handshake AND THEN HUG!!!! Then the mom gets the daughter out of the car and brings her in the house..... Now the neighbors also have a 7 year old son and apparently do not give a shit about any of this. Having a 2 month old at home and being self-quarantined, we definitely know who we're not welcoming in our social bubble for the time being.

    This whole pandemic also has me wondering (and I'm sure everyone.....) when the world gets a handle on this. It's scary and like you said, one of the largest impactful events to hit our generation. My wife and I joke as our son, God willing, will never know about this until later in life.

    Stay safe north of the border and keep that cold weather there!


    1. Haha Blue, I think even here winter is almost over! It snowed yesterday, if today it should get above freezing! I sure don't mind seeing some warmer weather. Wow, your neighbours, man, they should know better, no? You are right. I wonder what it will take before many people take this seriously. A sad statement of human stupidity, you know. Hey, you be careful, and take good care of yourself and your family. Especially now with a son! :)


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