Tuesday 12 October 2021

Continuing Saga of the Research Design class and the MA

You may recall I put in a request to have the research design class waived.  Well, finally today I spoke (via Zoom) with the program director who agreed to waive this one class, but I'd have to take another class in its place.

That's fine by me, although the way things are, I am not entirely sure I will even bother taking any of the other research classes even though they are mandatory.  First, the program is flexible as to timing, so I do NOT need to have it completed in three semesters.  Second, since I am doing it for fun, maybe there is NO point taking any class I am not really interested in.  After all, it's not like I need an MA, and the whole reason for being in the program, for me at least, is just to learn more about sociology.  Not to learn about doing research.  I mean, really, I think I have done enough of that in my previous life anyway.  There is no intention on my part to do more research to publish etc.

Also, another update.  I have now been accepted into both the undergrad social science program AND the certificate in law program for next fall.  I have until April 1 to decide, but I think I am likely not to do a degree but to do the certificate instead.  The Faculty of Law confirmed to me that being in that program still allows me to take non-law classes, just not to fulfill the certificate requirements.  I'm cool with that.

So that's the latest as far as school goes.

Signs are that the fourth wave is waning in Ontario.  Lately in Ottawa, population 1 million, we average 40-50 new cases a day, which is not too bad (unless you're one of the 40-50).  It helps, I guess, that about 85% of Ottawa people have received both doses, and here masking laws are in place and enforced.  Let's hope things continue to calm down.  Maybe there is hope for Christmas yet.

Meanwhile, please take care of yourselves.  Stay healthy.  And thanks for reading!


  1. Chunski, Emails I sent you at post.com does not get thru since Sept11. Error msg said a connection to the remote server couldn't be made. Please email me an alternative email address that I can reach you. workmk


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