Friday 11 December 2020

Prolonged Absence

It's been a while since my last post, but I've been lazy and also I really didn't have anything new to report.  The semester is almost done, with finals coming up next week.  So it's down to reviewing for the finals and stuff, and the fun begins again in January!

Well, here's a bit of news.  I applied to both a second undergrad degree (this time in social science) and to an MA in sociology.  Just heard from the undergrad that I've been accepted, so I'm waiting word from the MA to see if I get in.  If I do, then I will have a decision to make.  I know I've been through this numerous times, but both have things I like (and dislike) that makes the decision not quite so easy.  I guess I will just have to wait and see what the MA people say.  I will keep you posted.

Winter is here, sort of.  For Ottawa, things will no doubt get a lot nastier in terms of temperatures.  We haven't had anything below -10 yet, which is actually unusual for Ottawa.  Usually by now we are talking -10 or -15 during the day everyday.  I don't mind.  And I certainly don't miss the ice on the sidewalks.  But I know too that this mild spell won't last...

Rucking gets harder in the winter.  When it snows, walking is much harder because it takes much more effort.  And if there's ice, well, I'd rather not go at all.  And when you start, it's cold, so you're dressed for that, but half an hour in, you're sweating profusely.  So you need layers and waterproof layers.  Because if the sweat gets through, and then the wind blows, it's a sure way to catch pneumonia or bronchitis.  Anyway, no more super long rucks for me now.  Besides, I don't have time because I have classes and stuff.  About two hours is as much as I do these days.  Quite a drop from the crazy 12 mile rucks I did in the summer.

With the holidays coming, I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas season.  And the best to everyone for a much better 2021.  I really can't wait to see the last of 2020.  Hope we will somehow be rid of this Covid next year.

Stay healthy, stay safe.  And always remember, just be glad you weren't born in Syria or something.  Things could always be much worse.


  1. Chung, this blog post was quite mundane until your close and then I truly appreciated it as a whole. You really put it into perspective when reminding us we could be born in Syria or something 🤣.

    Have a Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year!!

    1. Blue, same to you. All the best for a happy and safe holiday season!


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.