Wednesday 16 December 2020

More Power to the Student Union!

The UOttawa Student Union announced today that the university has agreed to allow students to choose one course this semester (and next) to be graded Pass/Fail.  This is a departure from official UO grading policy that does not allow P/F grading even for electives.

In its efforts, the Student Union garnered over 5,000 signatures from students, and presented some 300 stories of student hardship etc due to Covid.  More power to them.  It's a lot of work, and I am very glad that the union took the initiative to care for their fellow students.  And more power to the university for relaxing their stringent grading policy during these difficult times.

While the change in policy doesn't really affect me, I was for it and signed the petition.  Never give up my right to vote in any context.  I know many students are suffering from mental and physical stress, as well as financial strain, due to the virus situation.  This must be a good bit of news for many, to help relieve them of some stress.

I know this doesn't matter to any of you, but I am so happy about it that I just HAD to share it with you.  This Student Union is a new one, replacing the previous one that students were unhappy with.  All newly elected executives too.  They have done well so far.


  1. Moving. Thank you for sharing and Happy Holidays Ed.

    1. All the best to you too, my dear Anonymous :)


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