Tuesday 11 August 2020

Heat Warning Today, but the blog must go on!

Man, it was hot today, and humid as well.  I only did a three hour walk, but was absolutely exhausted afterwards.  I passed by the National War Monument today, and they were changing the guards.  So here's a short video of that.  I imagine it must be very hot in the uniform and stuff!

I then decided to go down to the river (Ottawa River) and see what's happening.  Taking a path along the Rideau Canal, I was rewarded by some nice views of the canal and the Chateau Laurier.

You can see the locks as the canal empties into the Ottawa River below.  The Chateau Laurier is on your right.

There's a path alongside the Ottawa River, and I took it to be nearer the water, hoping to cool down.  Didn't help.  But it offered a different view.

Took some videos:

This is a view of Gatineau as I looked out from the Ottawa side.  The highrise buildings are where Gatineau is.  And towards the end of the video you can see the Alexandra Bridge, which I showed you before.  Then looking back at the Ottawa side,

I was looking up on Parliament Hill, and then further along you can see the back of the Supreme Court.

All nice and scenic, but then I realized I had to walk back up the trail to the city proper.  I even thought about filming the walk up, but it was just a lot of grunting, haha.

Till next time!

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