Tuesday 4 February 2020

In defence of Boomers: A need to debunk bullshit

There's been a lot of blame laid on baby boomers, about how they damaged the environment, how they screwed up the world, how they are a burden on society, and so on.

As a bona fide baby boomer, I feel I need to stand up for "my side" and debunk some of this bullshit.

First, a baby boomer is not just someone older than the millennials.  The term refers to a specific generation of folks born between 1946 and 1964.  So, for most of the millennials today, the term baby boomer refers not to their parents, but most likely their grandparents.  Just to ensure we're talking about the same thing.  I mean, recently, a friend's kid said to his mom, "OK, Boomer."  Fuck.  The mother was all of 40.  Like fucking hell is she a boomer.  If people don't know what they're saying, they should shut the fuck up.   That's what I said to the kid.  

I was never invited back.

Anyway, back to the story at hand.

We killed the environment.  OK, like how?  By being alive?  Let's look at the facts.  In college, I had two pairs of jeans for the entire four years.  One coat.  Maybe four or five t-shirts.  One sweat shirt.  Two pairs of shoes.  OK, you get the picture.  I had those garments for fucking YEARS!  No fast fashion for me or any of my friends.  We bought some item of clothing, and wore it for years.  And they lasted.  No landfill until the damn thing disintegrates.  Let me be clear, I still have a t-shirt from college which I still wear.  And college was 45 years ago. 

Groceries?  Man, who had money to buy all kinds of prepackaged shit?  And back then, we didn't even have plastic grocery bags.  Not in Canada anyway, not till the 80s.  We had paper shopping bags.  Try carrying that around in the winter. 

Nor did we have a new iphone every year.  In fact we had no cell phones.  And none of us had bluetooth headphones, which invariably are packaged to death.

Starbucks did not exist then.  So we didn't go around carrying cups of Starbucks that all end up in landfill and shit either.  Just an example.  In four years of college, I WALKED to school and back every fucking day.  Except for the time when I sprained my ankle.  Take that, kids.

Who contributes more to landfill?  Me and my limited wardrobe and limited packing, or the younger folks who buy a hell lot more crap and more packaged crap?   No seriously.  So don't fucking blame us boomer for everything.  We were merely living.  And doing the same damage to the environment as kids are today.  We had no fucking clamshell packages.  We had no rubber yoga mats.  We had so little STUFF that when we moved, we moved with two suitcases and a couple of boxes.  Have you seen kids moving into their dorms today?  Or how they just throw everything away when they move out?  Don't fucking throw rocks when you yourself live in a glasshouse.

Wow, that feels so much better.

And, what else.  Right, boomers are a burden?  OK, how?  I paid more taxes than most of the millenails have ever made in income.  What did I ever do to burden them?  And when I collect Canada Pension or Social Security, it's fucking money I PUT IN!  Shit, I owe you fuck all!  Get that?  FUCK ALL.  And you ain't never even been part of the SANDWICH generation.  Shut the fuck up.

I worked 40 hours a week while doing an MBA full time.  I didn't cry foul because I was poor.  I just worked.  And worked.

Boomers screwing up the world?  If not for us hippies protesting this and that, how far do you think social justice would have gone?  Young people think they are so cool because they are pissed about things.  Well, tell that to the kids of my generation who got shot and killed at Kent State protesting the Vietnam War.  Tell that to those who were freedom riders who risked their lives busing to the deep south to protest race inequality.  Again, STFU.

The thing is, I don't think any millenials actually read my blog.  So I am just pissing in the rain.  But if you feel the way I do, forward this to some fucking millenials.  Tell them Chunski says to fuck off and die.  And don't be a burden to my generation.

Over and out.


  1. This post is spot on and freakin great! So true, although I know I fall in that millennial category, I know were the generation that really screwed thongs up not the ones before us. Keep raising hell Ed!

  2. Blue, it was just one of those days, you know. Haha. Having said what I said, gotta do what we can to make sure Baby Blue has a great future at Oregon State! :)

    1. And BTW, Blue, I don't think of you and your cohorts as Millennials. I think that's more people in their early 20s and younger. You are TOO OLD, Blue!


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