Monday 6 January 2020

First Day of Classes

Here we go again.  I'm so not ready for this.  Hell, even the heavens cried today, though the tears turned into snow given the temperatures.  I must admit, for Ottawa, this is a rather warm spell, with lows only around -12 C.  Normally it'd be -20 during the day, so I can't really complain about the weather.

Not feeling the most motivated so far.  I had thought that once classes begin, I'd be back in the swing of things.  But so far I can't get in gear.  I want to drop a class, since I don't need to take five.  But I can't decide which to drop.  There are pros and cons about every one of my classes.  Sigh.

Take my first class today.  History of the British Empire.  Sounds interesting.  The prof is one of the most popular at UO.  Very highly regarded.  PhD from Cambridge and all that.  But I hate the time and the building where the class is held.  And one of the books we have to study is about India's role in the British Empire.  I have always found India to be one big confusing mess.  And the mid term is the Monday after reading week, but on that Saturday prior I am scheduled to write the LSAT.  How would I prep for both?

Then this other one I attended today.  I like the prof.  But I'm not sure Human Rights and Conflicts is really my thing.  Most of the people in the class major in it, and so they seem like a left wing bunch.  I am not a conservative, but rather, a bit left of centre.  I think the stuff may be a bit too far left for me.  But it's timely, and important.

I have three more to go to before I can try out all of them.  But if you ask me right now, I don't even feel like doing any of that.  I think the holidays have done me in...

Or maybe it's the weather.  Miserable, slippery, bone-chilling cold.  Maybe I should transfer to Bermuda or something.

Guess I'll sleep on it and see how I feel in the morning.


Oh hey, I did my first shift at the Ottawa Mission on Saturday.  Three hours manning the dishwasher.  Brought back memories from when I worked in the caf at Oregon State.  Doing dishes there too.  But we had a much bigger machine then.  Longer than a Chevy Suburban that was.  This one is not bad, but nothing like that beast.  It was hard work.  Three hours nonstop because it was so busy.  Didn't even have to have a drink.  Imagine, no Diet Coke for three hours!  Afterwards I was thoroughly soaked, despite the apron I had on.  I felt so filthy afterwards that I hurried back and showered and laundered all my clothes.

Back again this weekend.  Wonder what area they will put me in.  I don't mind the dishwasher.  It went fast and it was just physical work.  We shall see.


  1. Still amazes me your thirst for more knowledge Chung! I’m sure you’ll get it in gear once you see what papers you can get a jump on next week haha! I’ll commit this to you, if you transfer to Bermuda, Bahamas, blue and his family will a come-ah (tried a beach boys song there) 😂

    Volunteering is awesome! Had a conversation with a Rotarian today about how it’s becoming harder for them to attract newer, younger members. I too see the same issues today, that not enough younger folks are getting or staying involved in a philanthropic / volunteering way. It’ll be interesting to see how those groups driven by volunteer members will be impacted in the next decade and beyond. Keep doing what your doing and can’t wait to see what this weeks job is for you!


    1. Blue! Meet you in Bermuda, eh? Haha.
      I guess people have other priorities today. At the mission they have a lot of groups volunteering, some are companies, some are military, and so on. There were a couple of younger people the other day. I'll see if there's more this weekend.
      I love Ottawa, you know, but this winter shit is starting to get to me. Haha. My fault entirely, of course!


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.