Friday 3 January 2020

Another Year, Another Semester

Well, I guess the partying is over.  Got back to Ottawa the other day.  Now, there's stuff from last semester to clean up, new note pads to open, pencils to sharpen, textbooks to buy...  a new semester cometh.

Classes start Monday.  I am not really keen for that, I think because I'm still in a holiday mood.  And besides, I haven't quite finalized my class schedule.  Not exactly sure about some of the classes I signed up for, and the one for which I'm on the waitlist.  I suppose I should review that and make up my mind pronto.

The grades for two of my courses came out over the break.  Now still waiting for the others to come.  Surprisingly, the two that came out were the ones I expected only an A- or A from, but I ended up with an A+ in both!  Now I am gunning for the possibility of getting all A+ for last semester.  That would be a hoot.  :)

Was reading the UOttawa regulations on merit scholarship (that's the one I get).  You need, for EACH semester, an average of at least 8.50 on a 10-point scale.  It turns out that UOttawa specifies that they round to two decimal places.  That means if a person has a 8.49 GPA for the term. she/he does NOT qualify for the scholarship!  Wow, that's pretty bad ass.  Well, I hope I won't be in that position.

Got a promotional email about a MEd program at UOttawa that focuses not on teaching etc but on broader social issues.  Sorta my cup of tea.  Attending an info session for that later this month.  That could be something I do after this degree.  Yes, always looking ahead, haha.

Okay, well, time for more coffee and to get settled so I can get my crap off the desk and the floor and be prepared for more stuff starting Monday.

Have a wonderful 2020, my friends.  Till next time!

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