Tuesday 5 November 2019

I Don't Get it

Well, some of you may know that the Canadian elections took place, and Trudeau remains Prime Minister but in a minority government.

Out in the western provinces, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Liberals (Trudeau's party) did not win a SINGLE seat.  So all the MPs from those provinces are with other parties.  Shows how unhappy folks out west are with the Liberals.  Why?

Well, the Liberals are not right wing enough for them, first of all.  They also like immigrants, so the right wing bastards don't much like that either.  But more importantly, the Liberals don't want to promote oil and gas, and were very reluctant to build those pipelines.  Oil and gas, though, is the bread and butter of (esp) Alberta.  Get the picture?

Anyway, so in Parliament, these two provinces voted in MPs from mostly the Conservatives, and a couple of small parties.  But no Liberals.

And now they are bitching that Trudeau's cabinet won't have any western representation.

Wait, what?

You have fucking spoken!  You said fuck you, Liberals!  You wanted all your MPs to be from other parties than the ruling one.  And now you complain you have no representation in cabinet?  Well, FUCK YOU TOO!

I just don't get it.  Seriously, I really don't understand all this sense of entitlement that is so pervasive these days.

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