Tuesday 29 October 2019

Good News and Not so Good News

Been off for a while, so here's an update.  First the good news.

Did four midterms recently as you know.  Got two of them back so far.  24/25 on one, and 19.5/20 on the other.  As former students would say, "I'll take it."  Hope to get the other two back soon as well.  Curious as to how I did.

Met with the TA (the 19th century history) on my paper.  Decided to slightly change the topic.  Instead of the charge of the light brigade, focusing on the battle itself, I decided to do it on the Crimean War and its legacy on big power politics.  TA said it's fine.  Good!  'Cause I have actually finished the first draft!  Haha.   Not sure if it's good, but at least it's sort of out of the way.

Not so Good news.

Well, the health people are telling folks not to dig up wild mushrooms in the Pacific Northwest.  Apparently a number of recent deaths....  Hmm.  Glad I'm not doing any of that anymore.

On a different note:  had a tooth extracted this morning.  Damn thing was broken and all.  Don't ask me details.  But for now, I am not supposed to have solid food.  Fuck!  And I was planning on having steak tonight.  On the positive side, I was told to not workout for a week.  Do I need more incentive to NOT exercise?  Haha.  Just sit there and eat ice cream all day.  What a life!  I guess I should go load up on Ben and Jerry's.

Trouble is, this soft food shit makes me hungry a lot.  Gotta do something about that.  Maybe mashed potatoes with lots of cheese and butter??   Hm, sounds like a plan!

1 comment:

  1. OMG! Not sure about huge piles of mashed potatoes for us... Perhaps this will develop a taste for soup...
    Congrats re. the midterms. Do you have a sense as to how your profs and classmates perceive you?
    Best wishes re. your recovery.


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