Wednesday 18 September 2019

Why am I so f*$king busy?

Wasn't this school thing suppose to be all fun and games?  Hell, it has become some self-inflicted form of intellectual torture.  An enjoyable one, no doubt, but FUCK, so much to do!

All right, tell me you're actually surprised I'm saying that.

I dare say on average, I spend (outside of class time) 25 hours a week on this school stuff.  I have never done that before.  EVER.

So why am I spending so much time on school stuff?  Hell, it doesn't even matter.  I didn't work so hard when grades actually mattered.  But now I work my butt when they don't?  How does that make sense?

Folks, if you know me at all, you should know that I subscribe to the realistic view that people are NOT rational.  An economist I'm not.  Damn their eyes.

Anyway, back to me (it's all about me, no?  This IS the 21st Century, and I AM in college).

I think what spoiled things for me was the kind of grades I got the first year, especially the first semester, when I got four A+ and an A.  Unnecessarily, I felt challenged to keep that up (for no reason at all).  But of course, as the level of courses goes up, it's harder and harder to do so.  So I need to spend more and more time on the shit.  Seriously, think what does it take to get an A+ in BA416 if I'm teaching it?  I mean, that's like getting 100 on every single fucking assignment?

And also, well, there's me and my Type A personality.  All my life I have always finished my term papers early in the semester.  Like within the first month.  So I am repeating that pattern.  Only now I actually want to do really well, as opposed to settling for A- and Bs.  See my problem there?

Let me show you an example.  On October 2 I have to hand in a two-page term paper proposal for a history class.  Yes, you read that right.  TWO FUCKING PAGES.  Guess how much work I've done to write these pages?  Take a look:

And this is only the hard copy stuff I got.  I have spent UNTOLD HOURS doing library research to write a two page proposal.  That, my friends, makes me completely insane.  But if you seriously know me, I don't think you would be surprised by it.

I also had to hand in a four page mini paper for a sociology class on October 4.  Ok, well, I don't need to show you a picture.  I think you can visualize what THAT pile looks like.

And then towards the latter part of the semester, I have four real papers due.  Shit, I'd better get a move on NOW!
Hey, remember my CB class (if you were a student of mine)?  Remember how our expectations change things?  Classic case. 

Maybe I should take a couple of marketing electives to reduce my workload!  :)

1 comment:

Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.