Tuesday 3 September 2019

Face it, we're scum

Not a day goes by without reading about yet another thing we regularly do that damages the environment.  My take on it?  Face it, people, we're scum.  Go and off yourself now.

But wait, it's not that simple.  This is a classic damned if you do, and damned if you don't kind of scenario.  Let me elaborate.

You must have heard or read that any of the following is really bad for the environment.

1.  Eat meat.
2.  Use anything plastic and rubber.
3.  Use anything leather.
4.  Use anything with chemicals.
5.  Wear anything that is not organically grown.
6.  Drive.
7.  Fly.
8.  Doing laundry.
9.  Flossing.
10.  Throwing away ANYTHING.

And so on.

Okay, people.  So I should not drink Diet Coke (heaven forbid!), fly to London, drive to work, use plastic bags, wear sneakers, wear leather shoes, eat steak....

What is it that people do that does NOT hurt the environment?  So I don't use those plastic shopping bags from supermarkets.  OK.  Now I can't use them as garbage bags.  I go BUY fucking garbage bags instead.  How's that for helping the environment?  Oh, would you like to reuse them too?

And if you ever use a condom... well, maybe you should just have babies galore.  Oh wait, do you want to NOT use disposable diapers?  Have you EVER tried to wash off all the shit?  And how is that supposed to be good for the environment?

Walk to work and shit, shall we?  Ah, do you walk bare foot?  I bet you your precious shoes have rubber crap on them.  Like the sole?  Or maybe it's leather.  That better?  Hell, no.  Bare foot it is then.  Of course if you cut your foot and stuff, don't be using a bandaid.  Guess what, it got PLASTIC!!!!

Ever been on a holiday? Do you just go to your backyard and sit there?  No?  Did you go to Europe?  Asia?  South America?  The West Coast?  Did you fucking walk there or swim?  And if you did, did you do so in the nude?  I don't think swimsuits are biodegradable.  Nor are your shoes.

Oh you ride a bike then?  To LA?  Nah, just to work?  Well, are your tires rubber?  Is the bike made of recycled wood?  And if you live in MD and work in PA, would you do the same?

Face it, everything we do hurts the environment.  We are scum.  The only way for humans to not hurt the environment is for humans to NOT exist.  But don't be killing yourself now.  Why?

Because death is very destructive to the environment too!  Think methane.  The decomposition.  The ashes if you are cremated.  The smog.  The coffin if you're buried.  

There's just no easy way out.

Does that mean we just go nuts and rush to kill the planet?  No.  But the nutcases who only whine and complain about EVERYBODY else is doing should take a look at their own lives.  Don't be throwing rocks if you live in a glass house.  And we all live in a fucking glass house.  So just do things in moderation.  And stop telling others how they should do what you do.  No one died and made you god. 

There, I feel so much better now.

1 comment:

  1. This needs to be published, somewhere......anywhere..... couldn't agree more Chungski! Those lecturing from the highest pulpits are the biggest offenders (and often live in very large glass houses). My theory is try to be good about recycling, try not to leave lights/water/gas powered things/etc on any longer than need be and try..... to avoid some of those "bad things" for you & the environment. But like you say, we're all going to die some day. Enjoy life and police your own damn self!


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