Wednesday 18 September 2019


My building is across the street from a public park.  Great view. Lots of green.  At night, there are softball games being played in some sort of a public league.  They often go on till maybe 10-ish.  I find it really neat to see people having a great time outdoors, especially as fall sets in and winter is just around the corner.

Some don't feel this way.  There's this circular in the building, asking people to complain to the city about noise from the park, and how it affects some people's enjoyment of their views.  See below:

I don't know about you, but I see nothing wrong with a public space being used by, eh, the public, for their enjoyment.  And since the games generally end before it gets really late, I think it's commendable that people are taking advantage while the weather is still mild enough to be out.

If one wants a park for their own enjoyment, that others can't do so, maybe one needs to buy a really large property and own the damn thing outright.

Renting an apartment in a building that just happens to be opposite a park doesn't make the park your own, and certainly one has no right to expect any kind of exclusivity.

But at least give the person credit.  They even give their name and their apartment number and not hide behind anonymity.  The whole thing smacks of entitlement, IMO, and it's another example of our NIMBY mentality that's so pervasive these days.

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