Monday, 1 October 2018

Random thoughts at 6:30 AM

This was the time when I would be pulling into MY parking spot in Hoover.  The sky was beginning to lighten, and I looked forward to my fifth cup of coffee.

That was then, and this is now.  I'm 500 miles further north, and it's still pitch black out there.  And I'm still in the comfort of my apartment, only into my SECOND cup of java, glad to indoors while out there it's a relatively frigid 7 degrees C  (that's around 45 F).

I have a mid term in Anthropology coming up, as you may recall.  Well, I felt I should do some studying, but it's really hard!  I mean, studying, what's that?  It's not a lot of material (there are two midterms, which makes you wonder if they should actually be called MID terms...but that's another story.  The prof is an anthropologist.  Stats are probably alien to her).  Just five chapters and four or five articles.  Ok, here's the thing.  I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.  Seriously. 

Giving up on memorization because that's just not going to happen, I went through the book, my notes (I actually took notes!), the articles, the films..., and my head hurt.  An hour and a half later, I needed to stop.

So I decided to start my Horror Fiction term paper (it's due December 5).  Hey, I finished it!  It doesn't mean it's any good (Heavens know what an English term paper is supposed to look like.  Hope she's not looking for that 5-paragraph crap).  But it's in a drawer now.  I'll let it age a bit before editing and revisions.  It's 2,000 words of BS, but that's literature, right?

Now here's something I've never realized before.  See, my apartment is across from a park.  There's a baseball field (what the hell do you call it?  A field, a park, a pitch?) in the park, and often times some league or other hold matches in the evenings.

Well, weather's getting colder, and I think the league is about the end.  So for a couple of nights, no baseball games in the park.  I began to miss seeing the players out there.  I don't know them or anything, but it's good to see these people (grown ups, co-ed) having a ball (pardon the pun).

Then last night they were playing again.  Maybe it's the playoffs or something?  I don't know.  But they had become such a familiar sight that it felt like old friends visiting.  Strange, isn't it?  Or is a result of having too little coffee?

See how you like this line:   On the other side lurks the latent contradictions that belie what is apparent, the very contradictions that render unstable the foundational discourse of society.

That's from that paper I was writing.  I think it's great.  Haha.


  1. Sounds like life as an undergrad is starting to get fun! Settling in to routine and out of your comfort zone Chunski! Wait until they find out your past life!

    Like the line from your paper! Hopefully you don't have to like show your work or whatever that TA was saying. Explain the emotion and the thought behind that sentence. What were you "feeling" when you wrote that.....

    1. Haha! They wouldn't want to know my true emotion and thought behind that sentence :)


Chunski welcomes KIND comments. Just say nice things. Otherwise, I will find you and sit on you.