Friday, 12 October 2018

Interesting Grade Distribution

This morning we got the results of Anthropology's first mid-term.  For a first year course, I am quite surprised by the grade distribution.  It looks like this:

Out of a class of 228,

32 F
19 D/D+
44 C/C+
57 B/B+
56 A-/A
20 A+

Well, still quite a lot of As (like a third of the total), but look at the Fs and Ds.  That's about a quarter of the class.  And the class average is kinda low for a first year class, no?

We found out how we did online.  This guy I know says to me, "It's actually easier than high school."  OK.  This comes AFTER he found out he got 52%.  AFTER.  So...something doesn't compute, no?

It will be interesting to see how the other classes will fare in the coming weeks.  Lots of mid terms coming.  Time to hit the books!

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