Wednesday, 31 October 2018

How long does it take to return exams?

For anyone who's reading this, who's ever had me as a prof, you might recall that I ALWAYS return exams and assignments the next class day.  In more than 20 years of teaching, I made that a matter of policy.  And decency.

I took this wretched midterm two weeks ago now.  And so far no word as to when we will get it back or find out how we did.  It doesn't help that I KNOW I screwed it up too.  So the waiting goes on.  And the guy has TWO TAs for the course.  Hell.

On a different, but equally unsettling, matter, some guys in class kept calling me Sir.  Sigh.  Thanks for being polite and all that.  But on a day like today especially, when my knee hurts and my back aches, I really don't need to be reminded of my age.   Oh well.  I'll just think of myself as aged whisky.  😎


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