Monday 1 February 2021

Welcome to the world's largest skating rink!

 They have finally opened the canal for skating!  Well, not all of it.  They typically set up about five miles of it for skating, with food stalls and stuff along the way.  I don't know if they will still have food stands this year, given Covid.  And there's about half a mile that they didn't open yet.  But I passed by the canal today, and sure enough people were skating on it.  In normal times, people who live along the canal would even skate to work downtown.  But, alas, these are different times.  Still...

That's a comfort station or something you see in the photo.  Do you see the clutter of trees in front of the building?  They are little pine trees in pots.  Pretty nice.  I think the red building on your left is a food stand, but I can't be sure.

Same thing from another angle.  Sorry, the sun was right in my eyes.  But you can see people skating along the canal.  I wonder how busy it gets on the weekends.  Skaters have to wear masks, and unless you are a family you have to keep at least six feet apart.  

With the weather supposed to warm up a bit the next few days, I wonder if the ice will still be thick enough for this.  The last few days we've had some -20-ish temperatures, so that's not an issue.  But with temperature expected to get all the way to just -3, I wonder if they will have to shut it down again.


On a different subject, this is my fourth week of classes.  Not overly motivated this semester.  I guess all this online stuff and the lockdown etc. is finally getting to me.  But this is my last semester towards the degree, so this particular chapter will be over in a few months.

What will I do next?  Not sure yet.  I have applied to and been accepted into another undergrad program, this time in social sciences.  And I am still waiting to hear from the MA program to see if I get in.  I have till March to let the undergrad people whether I will enrol in the fall, so I will give the MA folks till end of the month, and then I'll make a decision.

This being my last semester, I just need to not let my semester average fall too low so as to graduate summa cum laude.  Pretty excited about that, really.  The first time around as an undergrad, I missed the cut and only got magna. So this will be a first, haha (Oh, grad school doesn't do the cum laude stuff).  Will keep you posted!

Still going out for walks, though when temps drop to -20 the going gets tough.  Actually had to wear longjohns and base layers to go out walking.  And of course after an hour or so I start to boil.  Not the most pleasant experience.  But with gyms closed (I am not sure I'd go even if they reopen), what else can one do?

Meanwhile, dear reader, be safe!  Let's hope this shit clears soon...


  1. Hi Ed. You're not alone, it's taking its toll on me too.
    Did the MA folks indicate when they would let you know?
    Take good care.

    1. Nah. Things are slow these days. Or maybe they don't want me. I don't have an undergrad in sociology, and that could pose a bit of an issue, haha.


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