Monday 11 February 2019

This will be a fun week!

This huge big snow storm is heading my way.  Supposed to bring between 10-15 inches of snow on Tuesday/Wednesday.  What great news!  I have a mid term on Wed at 11:30.  With that much snow, it will take me an hour to walk to campus.  What joy!

And tomorrow I have this French class.  I don't look forward to walking home at 10 pm when there's a raging snow storm.

But then it's my choice, right?  To move to this cold place.

By now, I think everyone in the area is totally fed up with winter.  It came early this season too, so we are really sick and tired of this crap.  Some side streets and sidewalks are still covered by several inches of ice.  Nothing will ever get rid of that until it really warms up.  And when will that be!

Hey, I made Dean's List last semester!  Haha.  Pretty neat.  They released the official grades for last semester, and they showed the average grade for each class as well.  In all five classes that I took, the average was no higher than a C.  I guess grade inflation hasn't taken its toll on grade integrity at U Ottawa yet.  Cool.

Learned a new phrase today in French (Well, I actually asked how to say it):  un an plus proche  des vers

Ah, WUNDERBAR!  They just announced that campus is closed today at 4 for 24 hours.  Apparently this is the first time in 25 years that they close down campus on account of snow!  PERFECT!


  1. Congrats on deans list chunski! Glad to see you aren’t partying hard and missing those 8 am’s 😉. Stay safe up there, a man of your age doesn’t heal as fast when slipping and hurting themselves on ice! I think we’re all ready for spring, sounds though that you up north may have it harder than us! Good luck and stay safe!

    1. Blue, a man my age indeed! I am just 23! We're ready for spring, too! Been ready for a long time. It's taking its sweet time, though. Ottawa locals say it usually gets here around mid April. Nah, they can't be serious. Maybe I should transfer to Etown!


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