First, take a look at this latest bit of health science news...
If you read the actual article, notice how strong the condemnation is from received wisdom.
This study (the one reported in the news article) is published in a peer-reviewed journal, a highly respected one no less. The researchers are real scientists, and all the study did was to collect extant data (so-called evidence) on red meat consumption and see what they actually tell us.
So far so good?
The results, as the study showed, are INCONCLUSIVE that red meat consumption is bad. In other words, the conventional wisdom (received view) that meat is bad is NOT supported by scientific evidence.
That's really the same shit like drinking eight glasses of water a day. Or five servings of fruits and veggies (I actually like fruit and veggies, so that's beside the point). Or walk 10,000 steps. Colon cleansing. Playing with your shit. Any number of these scams that rock our lives. Of course, it requires idiots to actually believe shit and do it.
But look at how this threatens the dominant logic? Shit, man, this threatens a whole cottage industry that grew up on telling people not to eat meat and stuff like that. Health "experts" who built their practice (btw, isn't it scary that doctors call what they do a "practice"? Fuck, go practice on yourself, not me!) on this less meat thesis are undermined by studies like this. So they counter attack. Notice how venomous the responses are.
Don't think this is unique. When it was first suggested, a couple hundred years ago, that bacteria on doctors' hands caused infection after surgery, it was balked at. Hell, doctors were furious that someone even said that! Yeah well, doctors are just people.
Besides, you probably know my feelings about doctors. I mean, fuck, they are not even REAL doctors! Except in the US, the rest of the world labels a medical degree a fucking UNDERGRADUATE degree. No shit.
And you know, I studied marketing for oh, ten years? And there's so much about marketing I am not an expert on (I am NOT Greenberg, I don't pretend to know everything). Think how much more complex a human body is than fucking marketing. How long is med school? Three, four, years post your first degree? OK, you see what I'm getting at?
I forget more about marketing that most doctors know about the human body.
Anyway, so I have always been right, of course. A pound of NY Strip a day makes the doctors go away.
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