Wednesday 7 April 2021

Ignorance is Bliss?

The Ashes: Sydney City Guide - hostelbookers 


Canada's vaccine problems are becoming very vexing, and have even found their way into the international media.  I wrote about it a bit earlier, you know, how we don't have the capacity to make the vaccines domestically anymore etc.  But when the rubber meets the road, so far only about 15% of the population (or 19% of the eligible population -- i.e. those over 16) have received at least a first shot.

This compares with something like 32% in the US, at last count.  And something like 55% in the UK.  So, yeah, Canada is definitely lagging way behind.  The fact that we are doubling the rate in Germany (10%) and France (13%) is lost in the conversation, but that's another story.

Along with this "debacle," of course, comes finger-pointing.  Ontario (the largest province) for example is blaming the federal government for not shipping them enough shots.  Federal government says, fuck, you have only used 75% of what we sent you!  And so on.  And citizens join in the shouting match, complaining about this and that.  Conservatives (they run Ontario) blame the Liberals (they run the country) for the fail, and Liberals say the Conservatives fucked up.  I will only use Ontario as an example.

What is lost in the shuffle is that by our constitution, healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction.  Ottawa has no jurisdiction over how each province chooses to deal with the pandemic.  One might not like it, but alas, that's what the constitution says. So yes, which Ottawa has jurisdiction over procuring the vaccines and sending them to provinces, what the latter do is up to them.

The fact that Ontario (and some other provinces too) are slow to administer the vaccine can hardly be blamed on Ottawa, if the feds are actually sending them the supplies needed.  Just saying.

But people like to express their opinions, however uninformed.  That's one of things I don't like about the Political Science class I am currently in.  People say things.  But opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.  Uninformed opinions are bullshit.  Sigh.

Anyway, I actually booked my vaccine shots today.  The process was rather smooth, I thought.  And it went quickly.  Got my appointment for the first shot coming up in ten days.  Based on my own experience, I also don't understand all the complaints people have about the scheduling process.  I actually thought it was very nice.  They even showed a tracking thing telling you how many people are ahead of you and when they will get to you, etc.  Pretty neat.

The media wants sensational stories so they can sell advertising.  It's much better to be informed instead of relying on media for facts.  By media, I don't even mean just social media (we all know that is stupid), but mass "mainstream" media as well.  There is no such thing as objectivity in life.  Everyone has an agenda.  It is up to each of us to discern bullshit from facts.  


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