Friday 8 March 2019

"Oh, my life is SO hard!" and other stuff

I hear a lot of that.  Life is, well, just unfair.  It sucks.  And then you die.  There's certainly some truth to that.  But a lot of that is just a human tendency to whine.

Here in Ontario, Canadians pay about $6000 to $7000 a year on university tuition for undergrad.  If you're doing "professional" undergrad degrees, like law, it could cost you 25-30K a year depending on the school.

That assumes you get no scholarship, no government grant, no nothing.

Minimum wage in Ontario is $14 an hour.

Forgive me if I don't find a lot of sympathy for whiners in Ontario who complain about how much financial hardship they have as university students.

Fuck, maybe they should STOP going to Starbucks, carrying Herschel backpacks, wearing Canada Goose jackets, using the latest iphone, etc etc. And maybe fucking WORK part time.

OK, I feel better now.  I just don't particularly like whiners, that's all. (some of you might even know who that reminds me of at Etown)

Life is hard in Ontario?  Maybe they should fucking move to Syria.


Recently in a history course we had a midterm.  Pretty easy one, I think.  But class average was 68%.  WTF!  How?  That was quite shocking.

Then I realize that much of the time, maybe only 2/3 of the class actually come to class.  So out of about 100 people, only 60-70 are there each day.  Funny thing is the prof made clear that a lot of the questions will come from his lectures.

And what do people do when they are in class?  Doing social media, of course.

I hope they all flunk.

You know, I am SO HAPPY I no longer teach.  The level of disrespect, not just towards the instructor, but towards their role as a student, it's just mind-numbing.  I guess when one teaches at a big school, and often to classes of 100 or 200 people, one simply doesn't care (and can't).  But am I glad I'm on this side now...


Some of you may have heard about the recent political "scandal" in Canada.  That the Prime Minister and his advisors are accused of putting pressure on the Attorney General not to press criminal charges against a very large Canadian company, but instead to allow it to settle out of court.

It's in the news here constantly.  And I saw it on the NPR, WSJ, and NY Times news feed too. So, yeah, it's a very big deal here.

Not talking politics here, since that's really a personal thing, but really?  THAT is a scandal?  I mean, when the leader of the government discusses with the Attorney General about the economic and job implications of prosecuting one of the largest employers?  Isn't that something a Prime Minister SHOULD BE DOING?

Now, of course, if the PM simply says, let's just not do a thing, and the company had killed people or something, yeah, of the company is owned by the PM's family and friends, etc etc, at least I can see something scandalous.

From my understanding, that's just how things work, no?  I just don't get it.

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