I don't consider myself an alarmist, but when I read something repeatedly, it starts to get worrisome. Lately the news in Canada is about how Covid infections are totally out of control, that there are more infections per capita in Canada than is in the US, etc. Of course, that is worrying, because it wasn't that long ago that the rates in Canada were five times lower than those in the US. And we're now in the midst of the third wave, so infections have skyrocketed in Ontario.
Well, I have no control over what may or may not happen with the Covid. Maybe we're doomed. But, having the intelligence exceeding that of a houseplant, I am not merely going to take news headlines as gospel. Take this recent headline for example:
Canada is outpacing U.S. for new COVID-19 cases per capita
That's right. It's reported in major news media. While it's good to hear that we are actually beating the US at something, this is not the kind of thing one wants to win in! But I said to myself, wait, I know things are bad, but really?
So, being inquisitive, of course Chunski decides to read the damn article and analyze its data. And somewhere towards the bottom of the article is this gem:
You can click on it to check out the latest statistics, if so inclined.
Having done so, I must say, yes, it is quite disconcerting. Seems like there's no end in sight, and of course, being in Ottawa, the rising infection rates are pretty scary. But outpacing the US, I think not. That headline is as valid as the product life cycle.
But that's not the point of my post, is it?
No, all I am doing is to show how inadequate it is for us to just read the headlines and assume the substance of the story. It is irresponsible for media to mislead people with headlines, but even more so, it is unforgiveable on our part as intelligent people to not explore further.
And that, my friends, if you recall (for those who took 416 with me), has always been my motto. Look at the data, don't just let the rhetoric fool you. What do the numbers show? If one or two of you remember that from 416, and apply it in your daily lives, that makes it all worthwhile for me.
Carry on investigating!
So true Chung!