Wednesday, 14 April 2021

All Good Things Must End

Good-bye Cruel World poster 1969/71 vintage by ... 

If you receive this via email, you have subscribed to notification by email from Feedburner.  Well, now that Google has bought the service, they are stopping the email subscription feature.  Some time later this month, you will no longer get an email notifying you that a new post has been published.

For some of you, this may be a relief, since you won't have to deal with more junk emails.  But for those who actually use it to know about new posts, SORRY!  You will have to check the blog now and then if you want to see if there's been a new post.  Or abandon this blog.  Here's the URL for the blog:

Maybe it's a sign that I should stop the blog for good.  I thank you for your readership over the years (can't believe it's been three years!).  I will likely keep it going now and then, so if you are curious, please do check the blog every so often.  If not, I bid you farewell :)

Some say the world will end in fire

Some say in ice

For this blog, maybe it will end in the era of Covid.



Monday, 12 April 2021

This is why one must read the actual article and know the data

 LILIA's MONEY MUSINGS: October 2015


I don't consider myself an alarmist, but when I read something repeatedly, it starts to get worrisome.  Lately the news in Canada is about how Covid infections are totally out of control, that there are more infections per capita in Canada than is in the US, etc.  Of course, that is worrying, because it wasn't that long ago that the rates in Canada were five times lower than those in the US.  And we're now in the midst of the third wave, so infections have skyrocketed in Ontario.

Well, I have no control over what may or may not happen with the Covid.  Maybe we're doomed.  But, having the intelligence exceeding that of a houseplant, I am not merely going to take news headlines as gospel.  Take this recent headline for example:

Canada is outpacing U.S. for new COVID-19 cases per capita 

That's right.  It's reported in major news media.  While it's good to hear that we are actually beating the US at something, this is not the kind of thing one wants to win in!  But I said to myself, wait, I know things are bad, but really?
So, being inquisitive, of course Chunski decides to read the damn article and analyze its data.  And somewhere towards the bottom of the article is this gem:

 Comparing US states and Canadian provinces infection rates

You can click on it to check out the latest statistics, if so inclined.  
Having done so, I must say, yes, it is quite disconcerting.  Seems like there's no end in sight, and of course, being in Ottawa, the rising infection rates are pretty scary.  But outpacing the US, I think not.  That headline is as valid as the product life cycle.
But that's not the point of my post, is it?

No, all I am doing is to show how inadequate it is for us to just read the headlines and assume the substance of the story.  It is irresponsible for media to mislead people with headlines, but even more so, it is unforgiveable on our part as intelligent people to not explore further.

And that, my friends, if you recall (for those who took 416 with me), has always been my motto.  Look at the data, don't just let the rhetoric fool you.  What do the numbers show?  If one or two of you remember that from 416, and apply it in your daily lives, that makes it all worthwhile for me.
Carry on investigating!

Sunday, 11 April 2021

When you don't know your ass from your elbows

Hm, I wonder what these people sell...


Don't even get me started on my beloved Oxford comma ... 



You would expect, wouldn't you, to find me ranting about this and that periodically.  What?  Chunski the extremely mild-mannered teddy bear ranting?  No!  But true, I do when I've had a bit too much coffee (as in ten cups before noon).  These Covid days seem to exacerbate matters, as you can imagine. What with the monotony of how everyday seems like Groundhog Day.  Oh well.

Today I'd like to share with you a couple more of my beefs.  No surprises there.  First, the Oxford comma, or its disappearance.

Why the fuck do people not use the Oxford comma?  Seriously?  A recent headline goes: "Microsoft, Zwilling and Nike among the best deals."  The story itself is unimportant.  But why not have a comma after Zwilling?  After all (and that's TWO words!), it's not as though Zwilling and Nike form one brand name!  You do it out of what?  Space-saving desires?  Bullshit.  You don't think, that's why.

Oh, this is just chicken shit, you think?

Take for example this sentence:  We invited the strippers, JFK, and Stalin.  What does it mean?  You invited JFK, Stalin, as well as the strippers.  But what happens if you don't use the Oxford comma?  It reads:  We invited the strippers, JFK and Stalin.  Its (right, and it is NOT it's) meaning?  The strippers are called JFK and Stalin.

Maybe that's what you meant.  I doubt it.

The Oxford comma saves all this confusion.  Most people who don't use it don't consciously exclude the comma.  They just don't think about it.  Well, they should use their brains sometimes then.


Here's a second beef.  People like soundbites.  They don't think about what they are saying.  Just that it sounds good.  They are morons.

The misuse of marketing to mean advertising has always bugged me, as many of you well know.  That's just plain stupidity on the part of the speaker.  But there's another similarly insidious misrepresentation of meaning.

Recent headline: "This government is only concerned about its brand."

Meaning what, exactly?  Aren't we all actually concerned about our branding?  Isn't it why people who see themselves as environmental warriors buy electric vehicles (or they bike, or better yet, they walk) and bring their own shopping bags to grocery stores?  At the same time they go to Starbucks and use their throwaway coffee cups.  Or buy plastic garbage bags and use them since no one actually sees them doing it.  And of course, no problem buying fast fashion and add to the landfill every couple of weeks.  Their brand is the environment.  And they want to sustain that.

Or take someone whose brand is a successful executive type.  Oh, gotta have the wardrobe, eh?  And the bimmer.  And if I can't afford one, I'd get a 1-series.  So long as it's a bimmer.  Or something equivalent.

That's what we do!  So a government that is concerned about its branding is simply being human.  And besides, maybe it's better.  Because we want a consistent self-image, so that government would actually pursue policies that are consistent.  Instead of some random shit.  Is that not a good thing?

But of course people who use the term don't mean that!  They actually mean the government just want to sway with the wind, and change course however public opinion changes.  THAT is not branding.  THAT is bullshit stupidity.  Like a liberal arts college that says, let's get rid of our theatre program.


Is there a theme here?  I hope so though I'm not sure what it is!  Seriously, the theme is it is important to understand what we are saying before we say it.  Otherwise, we'd just be idiots pissing in the wind.  And that, my friends, is a stinky business. 

Wednesday, 7 April 2021

Ignorance is Bliss?

The Ashes: Sydney City Guide - hostelbookers 


Canada's vaccine problems are becoming very vexing, and have even found their way into the international media.  I wrote about it a bit earlier, you know, how we don't have the capacity to make the vaccines domestically anymore etc.  But when the rubber meets the road, so far only about 15% of the population (or 19% of the eligible population -- i.e. those over 16) have received at least a first shot.

This compares with something like 32% in the US, at last count.  And something like 55% in the UK.  So, yeah, Canada is definitely lagging way behind.  The fact that we are doubling the rate in Germany (10%) and France (13%) is lost in the conversation, but that's another story.

Along with this "debacle," of course, comes finger-pointing.  Ontario (the largest province) for example is blaming the federal government for not shipping them enough shots.  Federal government says, fuck, you have only used 75% of what we sent you!  And so on.  And citizens join in the shouting match, complaining about this and that.  Conservatives (they run Ontario) blame the Liberals (they run the country) for the fail, and Liberals say the Conservatives fucked up.  I will only use Ontario as an example.

What is lost in the shuffle is that by our constitution, healthcare is a provincial jurisdiction.  Ottawa has no jurisdiction over how each province chooses to deal with the pandemic.  One might not like it, but alas, that's what the constitution says. So yes, which Ottawa has jurisdiction over procuring the vaccines and sending them to provinces, what the latter do is up to them.

The fact that Ontario (and some other provinces too) are slow to administer the vaccine can hardly be blamed on Ottawa, if the feds are actually sending them the supplies needed.  Just saying.

But people like to express their opinions, however uninformed.  That's one of things I don't like about the Political Science class I am currently in.  People say things.  But opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.  Uninformed opinions are bullshit.  Sigh.

Anyway, I actually booked my vaccine shots today.  The process was rather smooth, I thought.  And it went quickly.  Got my appointment for the first shot coming up in ten days.  Based on my own experience, I also don't understand all the complaints people have about the scheduling process.  I actually thought it was very nice.  They even showed a tracking thing telling you how many people are ahead of you and when they will get to you, etc.  Pretty neat.

The media wants sensational stories so they can sell advertising.  It's much better to be informed instead of relying on media for facts.  By media, I don't even mean just social media (we all know that is stupid), but mass "mainstream" media as well.  There is no such thing as objectivity in life.  Everyone has an agenda.  It is up to each of us to discern bullshit from facts.  


Saturday, 3 April 2021

Too much conceit, Chance encounter, and Pour Moi? Variment?

It's a gorgeous day today, sunny with a high of 9 degrees Celcius!  Spring is in the air.  I really don't mind saying goodbye to winter for a few months.  Though, to be fair, it has been a rather mild winter in Ottawa this year.  We never once had a -30 day!


 Index of /Images


Do you notice how much conceit there is out there?  A medical doctor introduces herself and says "My name is Dr. Joyce Officious."  Some of you will remember this as one of my favourite beefs.  Similar to a prof introducing himself as Dr. (or Professor) Joe Blowhot.  Fuck, your name is what's on your ID or birth certificate.  I bet it doesn't say Dr. on it.  Or any other title for that matter.  Stop this verbal masturbation already!

Likewise, these people who set up departments and called themselves the Office of this or that.  They like to think of themselves as Federal Agencies or something.  The Office of the Attorney General or something grandiose like it.  But, seriously, the Office of Marketing and Communications at Etown College?  WTF is that?  For fuck's sake, stop this egomaniacal bullshit.

You may be wondering what brought this on.  It's actually a bit of an accident.  I was just cleaning up my inbox, and noticed a prof had sent out an email to the class (it's not an important one, and besides, I hate her with some passion).  The address says FROM THE DESK OF ELOHSSA DEAHTIHS.  OK, granted this is really quite common.  But why do people do that?  It's from YOU, not from your fucking desk, unless a previously inanimate object grew hands and started writing.  And why desk?  Maybe you sent it while you were sitting on the throne.  In which case would you change it to FROM THE TOILET OF...?

Yeah, I do get carried away...


As I walked out one morning (sorry, Auden, couldn't help it), I saw a man coming towards me.  So, in the name of social distance in these Covid times, I crossed to the other side of the street.  To my annoyance, so did he!  I swore under my breath, but hey, it's a free country (Canada is so NOT China).  Anyway, I was prepared to go out onto the road as we passed each other, since the sidewalk was not 2 meters wide.  Then he stopped, smiled, and say, "Pretty chilly this morning, eh?"  I didn't know him, nor he me.  So I stopped too, and mumbled some reply.  We exchanged pleasantries, wishing each other (notice that since there were just the two of us, it's each other.  More than two, it's one another -- sorry, the teacher in me can't help myself) a good day and stuff.  Waved, and went our separate ways.

But the beauty of it?  It really makes your day, doesn't it?  I mean, stuff like this, little things, can change your mood.  Thank goodness for these little gestures to help us stay sane, stay civilized, and stay positive.  The moral of the story, go ahead, go out there and smile at strangers passing by.  Just be kind.  Won't the world is so much nicer if people were just kind, and not self-serving assholes?


Looks like I am getting an award!  Got a call from the Vice Dean of the Faculty of Arts the other day.  They give a student award to whoever has the highest GPA in their respective areas (mine being Interdisciplinary Studies).  Haha, me?  Well, I certainly didn't go into the program with that in mind.  It's nice to be recognized, but unfortunately there's no money involved.  Darn it!  I asked her whether it would make more sense to give it whoever had the second highest GPA, if the person were a young person starting their career.  But rules are rules, she said.  And she admitted, besides, that it would be good for PR to show that there's more than one path to higher education.  OK, well, it's pretty cool.  Just wish there were money in it!  But you know, I feel this pressure now to make sure I don't do too poorly this last semester and make them wonder about giving me the award, haha.

Hey, folks, this is a big deal for me.  I have NEVER EVER won any award in school.  NEVER!

Well, till next time!  Stay sane!  Be kind!

Peanuts® "Happy Easter" 18-Inch Square Wrapped Canvas Wall ...