Wednesday, 14 November 2018

Catching Up

It's been a few days since my last post.  Here's a quick update on my uneventful last few days.  Went to a political science conference in Montreal (yes, political science.  Just don't ask how that happened).  Had my little fight with a stone wall (which I lost in a KO).  Spent six hours observing all kinds of humanity (and lesser beings) in a hospital.  Oh, yeah, got an A on my Horror exam.  Wrote a second Anthro midterm.  Finished the first draft of a sociology paper.   Observed a very nice Remembrance Day service in Montreal.  So, yeah, and lots of painkillers (what ARE those colours!).

Now we are all caught up.

Man, it's getting colder now.  Right now it's -10 Celcius (for those of you Farenheit fans, that's 10 F).  I am so tempted to drive to campus this morning, but then I realize, hell, if I give in now, what will I do when it's actually cold, like -30?  So I guess I will be walking.  But my poor face with all the cuts and abrasions won't like it much.  Maybe I need a mask!  A ski mask?  They might think I'm a bank robber though.

I have 2 days to decide if I should the Horror class.  That A sure made things more difficult.  There are just three weeks left.  Hmmmmmmm.

In Sociology we are dealing with ethnicity right now.  My kind of thing.  I don't remember where I heard about this (I've never seen the movie itself), but here's a clip from The Karate Kid which speaks volumes:


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