Friday, 14 September 2018

Student Perks

As American Express used to boast, "membership has its privileges."  Well, there are some pretty neat student perks about as well.  And you know me, I gladly take advantage of them.

Every Tuesday, at the supermarket near me, you get 10% off your purchase if you show your student ID.  Yup.  That's a good deal.  So if I were to buy a pound of coffee at $15 a pound, I get $1.50 off.  If I buy 10 pounds, I get $15 off.  If I buy 10,000 pounds, I get $15,000!  Cool beans!  Literally.

A couple other supermarkets even give that student discount on Tuesdays AND Thursdays.  Alas, they are not near where I live.

The other day I discovered there's a playhouse in town, and students get HALF off!  No kidding.  I bought a ticket.  I am paying $14 to see a play, and it's not that far from where I live.

The National Arts Centre, sort of like DC's Kennedy Center, gives students half price too.  But so far this year, I don't see a show I particularly want to go see.  Too bad.  Last year Diana Krall was there.  Wish she would return this year.  But no.

You also get deals at the major banks if you open student accounts with them.  But since I really hate the big banks, I am not taking them up on their offers.  As an aside, I do get Seniors Offers at a different bank, so that's pretty neat.

I wonder if you get student discounts at liquor stores.  Hmm....

I do student discounts at haircut places, but as you know, I use the Flowbee.  So that's moot.

Oh yeah, and there's the bus pass.  Even though the light rail is (again) delayed till 2019, I can get on any bus in the city and just ride.  Maybe one day I will just get on a random bus and explore the city!

Every student at UO is a member of the student association, and through them, everyone gets supplementary health coverage (on top of government health plan) for stuff like eye glasses, drugs, etc.  Maybe I should their funny mushrooms...

OK well, my coffee is done.  And it's time to get off my ass and get ready for school.  Till later!



  1. You're buying coffee at $15 a pound? Must be some exotic Arabica/Sumatra/Kenya blend, Chunski!

  2. Almost anything half-way decent is that price. My fave is Kicking Horse. Give it a try!


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