Saturday, 30 November 2019
Time for Winter Jackets. Also, kill those Ducks!
Woke up this morning to a balmy -11 Celcius. The temperature dropped something like 8 degrees from yesterday. I am not liking this.
I guess though I might as well get used to it. In a month or so, -11 will actually be balmy then...

I guess though I might as well get used to it. In a month or so, -11 will actually be balmy then...

Today is Civil War. We're playing the Ducks at Oregon. Gonna have roast duck tonight! Go BEAVERS!!!!!

Follow on ESPN!
Thursday, 28 November 2019
Wednesday, 27 November 2019
Read stories about pro-china bastards on college campuses Pro-china bullies intimidating those siding with hong kong protestors.
Ok, so I put this patch on my backpack. It's the old (non China) British Hong Kong flag. The flag I was born under.
Wonder if some of them fucking commies might want to come try to intimidate yours truly. I feel like hurting somebody today.
As Stephrn King would say, a man who is not true to himself gets constipated. So, screw you, China.
Monday, 25 November 2019
Interesting conversation and other shit
Waiting in the business building for my US history class to start... what a strange locale for a history class.
Pretty nice setting, though. And I love those tiered lecture halls.
Overheard this conversation:
Gal: You know that question about the island?
Guy: What question?
Gal: Name one of two islands in the Pacific where very bloody fighting took place in 1945 between US and Japanese forces?
Guy: Oh, yeah, that one. What about it?
Gal: I wrote "Rhode Island." Was I right?
Guy: You did what?
Gal: Rhode Island. It's right, isn't it?
Guy: (Laughs). You really fit that stereotype (continues laughing).
Gal: What?
Guy: You're blond...
Chunski didn't say a word.
If you think reading management crap is mind-numbing, try this:
"The structures constitutive of a particular type of environment...produce habitus...structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is, as principles of the generation and structuring of practices and representations...(Chunski gave up at this point)" z z z z z z z z z z
Pretty nice setting, though. And I love those tiered lecture halls.
Overheard this conversation:
Gal: You know that question about the island?
Guy: What question?
Gal: Name one of two islands in the Pacific where very bloody fighting took place in 1945 between US and Japanese forces?
Guy: Oh, yeah, that one. What about it?
Gal: I wrote "Rhode Island." Was I right?
Guy: You did what?
Gal: Rhode Island. It's right, isn't it?
Guy: (Laughs). You really fit that stereotype (continues laughing).
Gal: What?
Guy: You're blond...
Chunski didn't say a word.
If you think reading management crap is mind-numbing, try this:
"The structures constitutive of a particular type of environment...produce habitus...structured structures predisposed to function as structuring structures, that is, as principles of the generation and structuring of practices and representations...(Chunski gave up at this point)" z z z z z z z z z z
Idea Laundering
Read this piece in the WSJ today. Yes, yes, I don't like the WSJ generally, and opinion pieces -- opinions are like assholes, everybody has one.
But sometimes I do agree with their assessments. Take this article for instance
Having gone through some of these agenda-heavy courses, I know what the person was saying. And generally speaking, I agree.
On the other hand (I am NOT an economist, but they don't have a monopoly on having one hand here and the other hand there), I think the person has a misguided view of what academia is like. The knowledge industry is NEVER value free. Any contrarian view is always met with dissent and hostility. Just ask Gallileo, or Newton, or today, even Freud. If you dare contest the existing paradigm, there's hell to pay.
So the idea that "real" academic research has this air of objective scientific inquiry etc is actually bullshit.
That's just the way the world is. Vested interested is nothing to sneeze at. So maybe it requires idea laundering, as the writer says, to actually get one's point across. Sort of like revolutions in the real world. If people don't buy into the dominant logic, what choice do they have but to rebel and resist? Using any means possible? Of course, if one were part of the dominant ideology, the elites in power, one takes a dim view of these things. But if you're not...
Wonder what your thoughts are.
But sometimes I do agree with their assessments. Take this article for instance
Having gone through some of these agenda-heavy courses, I know what the person was saying. And generally speaking, I agree.
On the other hand (I am NOT an economist, but they don't have a monopoly on having one hand here and the other hand there), I think the person has a misguided view of what academia is like. The knowledge industry is NEVER value free. Any contrarian view is always met with dissent and hostility. Just ask Gallileo, or Newton, or today, even Freud. If you dare contest the existing paradigm, there's hell to pay.
So the idea that "real" academic research has this air of objective scientific inquiry etc is actually bullshit.
That's just the way the world is. Vested interested is nothing to sneeze at. So maybe it requires idea laundering, as the writer says, to actually get one's point across. Sort of like revolutions in the real world. If people don't buy into the dominant logic, what choice do they have but to rebel and resist? Using any means possible? Of course, if one were part of the dominant ideology, the elites in power, one takes a dim view of these things. But if you're not...
Wonder what your thoughts are.
There's a Jacobean Shakespeare course offered in winter 2020. But it's a third year course, and I'm not sure if I'd be over-reaching if I were to take that.
So I emailed the prof this morning to ask her opinion. Wow, she replied in half an hour! A full professor at that. I'm very impressed. Won't bore you with the details, but she promised to send me a copy of the syllabus once she has it finalized. I am very interested, but I do worry that I would be at a major disadvantage in the class (I am guessing most of the folk will be literature majors...)
We shall see. But half an hour! And so very polite as well.
So I emailed the prof this morning to ask her opinion. Wow, she replied in half an hour! A full professor at that. I'm very impressed. Won't bore you with the details, but she promised to send me a copy of the syllabus once she has it finalized. I am very interested, but I do worry that I would be at a major disadvantage in the class (I am guessing most of the folk will be literature majors...)
We shall see. But half an hour! And so very polite as well.
Saturday, 16 November 2019
Heard on the Street
A: You look so stressed. Are you ok?
B: Yeah, I'm going nuts. So many papers due next week.
A: Oh, how are they coming along?
B: Haven't started.
A: Oh.
B: That's why I like profs who are ok with giving extensions.
A: But you knew the deadline since September 6?
B: Yeah, I can't work till the last minute.
A: Right.
Prof: So traditionally, in schooling, there are schools that cater to the working class, the middle class, the professionals, and the elites. Four major categories. Can you relate to this model from your own experience?
A: Well, where I was from, all the schools were the same.
B: I went to an IB school, so I guess that's for elites.
C: Swearing under his breath.
Prof: So you think IB schools fit into the elite category? As in it's where the elites of society send their kids?
B: I think so, because those are so much better than other schools.
C: Deep sigh. More swearing inside.
Prof: I see. That's very interesting.
A: I think the elites send their kids to French Immersion school.
C: Rolls his eyes.
B: Well, only if they are IB.
C: starts checking his emails on the phone
End of class. Student A approaches the prof.
A: So, about that paper due next Friday.
Prof looks up: yeah? How's that coming along?
A: Can I email you my idea some time and see what you think?
Prof: It's due next week.
A: Yeah, about that... Can we work something out, like getting an extension or something?
Prof: Why? What's wrong?
A: Just been busy, you know.
Prof: Why wait till now to start it?
A: (mumbling something)
C was out the door at this point.
Day of a midterm.
A: Man, there's so much material.
B: Yeah, and we're supposed to know what he talked about in class?
A: Like we're supposed to take notes or something. Like, we have to come to class?
D: Yeah, like, the book is so long too!
A: What book?
B: The textbook? Oh, I didn't even get that.
D: You don't have the textbook?
A: Me neither.
D: Well, there's like 200 pages to read for this.
B: And lecture notes.
A: How are we supposed to know all this?
C: rolling his eyes.
In history class. Prof always starts the class by noting what other important things happened on this day in history.
A: I hate this shit.
B: what?
A: this day in history shit.
B: oh?
A: what does this have to do with anything?
B: it's a history class, right?
C: choking on his Diet Coke.
A: I don't like the way the government is handling this issue.
B: Did you vote in the election?
A: No.
B: Why not?
A: I just didn't like it.
B: And you're not happy with the government.
A: Yeah, I think we need a change.
B: But you didn't vote.
A: Nah, it's my right not to.
B: Yeah, I'm going nuts. So many papers due next week.
A: Oh, how are they coming along?
B: Haven't started.
A: Oh.
B: That's why I like profs who are ok with giving extensions.
A: But you knew the deadline since September 6?
B: Yeah, I can't work till the last minute.
A: Right.
Prof: So traditionally, in schooling, there are schools that cater to the working class, the middle class, the professionals, and the elites. Four major categories. Can you relate to this model from your own experience?
A: Well, where I was from, all the schools were the same.
B: I went to an IB school, so I guess that's for elites.
C: Swearing under his breath.
Prof: So you think IB schools fit into the elite category? As in it's where the elites of society send their kids?
B: I think so, because those are so much better than other schools.
C: Deep sigh. More swearing inside.
Prof: I see. That's very interesting.
A: I think the elites send their kids to French Immersion school.
C: Rolls his eyes.
B: Well, only if they are IB.
C: starts checking his emails on the phone
End of class. Student A approaches the prof.
A: So, about that paper due next Friday.
Prof looks up: yeah? How's that coming along?
A: Can I email you my idea some time and see what you think?
Prof: It's due next week.
A: Yeah, about that... Can we work something out, like getting an extension or something?
Prof: Why? What's wrong?
A: Just been busy, you know.
Prof: Why wait till now to start it?
A: (mumbling something)
C was out the door at this point.
Day of a midterm.
A: Man, there's so much material.
B: Yeah, and we're supposed to know what he talked about in class?
A: Like we're supposed to take notes or something. Like, we have to come to class?
D: Yeah, like, the book is so long too!
A: What book?
B: The textbook? Oh, I didn't even get that.
D: You don't have the textbook?
A: Me neither.
D: Well, there's like 200 pages to read for this.
B: And lecture notes.
A: How are we supposed to know all this?
C: rolling his eyes.
In history class. Prof always starts the class by noting what other important things happened on this day in history.
A: I hate this shit.
B: what?
A: this day in history shit.
B: oh?
A: what does this have to do with anything?
B: it's a history class, right?
C: choking on his Diet Coke.
A: I don't like the way the government is handling this issue.
B: Did you vote in the election?
A: No.
B: Why not?
A: I just didn't like it.
B: And you're not happy with the government.
A: Yeah, I think we need a change.
B: But you didn't vote.
A: Nah, it's my right not to.
Friday, 15 November 2019
Thursday, 14 November 2019
If you don't buy in...
Sometimes I find it hard to actually study something that I totally dispute. Typically I don't have this problem in history or that other things that deal with evidence and such. But some disciplines don't really concern themselves with facts so much, but with ideology. And there's where the struggle begins.
In so many ways I love the political sociology course. It opened my eyes to all kinds of stuff that I didn't know anything about. It exposed me to thinkers I never even heard of before. That is all cool. But some of the stuff is simply too much to deal with.
As you know, I am an objectives-driven guy. For those who remember 416, my thing is always: what's the objective, how do we get there, prove it to me. Yeah? Shit, that's how you get things done.
So when I read stuff that don't care what the objectives are, or how one might get there, it really bothers me. Take this thing I'm reading about for instance.
It's the Occupy Movement, if you think back a decade or so.
So these articles talk about bottom-up democracy, etc., and how Occupy did not work with the existing political system because they don't believe the end ever justifies the means. And the end? Equality and so on (which I have no problem with, by the way). But they don't seem to consider how this goal of equality is to be reached.
So of course NOTHING happened. Surprised? It's sort of like fucking strategic planning at Etown. Nothing meaningful happens, and what happens has nothing to do with achieving whatever goal (which are not articulated anyway).
And somehow these writers talk about Occupy as some triumphant display of democracy. What the fuck! NOTHING HAPPENED! A bunch of morons camped out in tents and peed everywhere, and nothing changed. And somehow that's a good thing?
Anyway, that's an example of the difficulty I have with this course.
Now, when I write an essay exam, or write a paper, I can talk about that at length, and draw references to support my POV (though as an undergrad that's a BIG fucking gamble...see below). But in short answers and MCs, I don't have that ability to challenge the ideology (oh how Gramscian I have become).
So no matter how much I think some of the stuff is crap, I have to study it. Sigh.
OK, I said earlier that if you challenge the dominant logic as an undergrad, even if you are able to cite things to support your POV, it's a big gamble. Why? Well, they don't really expect or even want that sort of thing. So if you don't give them what they want....
I should have remembered that, since I should know to give them what they want instead of what I want. Remember that debacle I had with a history paper last semester? Well, being the contrarian that I am, I decided to write that Churchill was a peacemaker when he made that speech "Iron Curtain Speech." I thought it'd be cool to do that (I didn't actually believe that position, just thought it would be fun). Well, they didn't think so. Haha, bummer.
OK, back to work. I have test next week and two papers due as well. Need to edit the papers some more. Wish me luck!
In so many ways I love the political sociology course. It opened my eyes to all kinds of stuff that I didn't know anything about. It exposed me to thinkers I never even heard of before. That is all cool. But some of the stuff is simply too much to deal with.
As you know, I am an objectives-driven guy. For those who remember 416, my thing is always: what's the objective, how do we get there, prove it to me. Yeah? Shit, that's how you get things done.
So when I read stuff that don't care what the objectives are, or how one might get there, it really bothers me. Take this thing I'm reading about for instance.
It's the Occupy Movement, if you think back a decade or so.
So these articles talk about bottom-up democracy, etc., and how Occupy did not work with the existing political system because they don't believe the end ever justifies the means. And the end? Equality and so on (which I have no problem with, by the way). But they don't seem to consider how this goal of equality is to be reached.
So of course NOTHING happened. Surprised? It's sort of like fucking strategic planning at Etown. Nothing meaningful happens, and what happens has nothing to do with achieving whatever goal (which are not articulated anyway).
And somehow these writers talk about Occupy as some triumphant display of democracy. What the fuck! NOTHING HAPPENED! A bunch of morons camped out in tents and peed everywhere, and nothing changed. And somehow that's a good thing?
Anyway, that's an example of the difficulty I have with this course.
Now, when I write an essay exam, or write a paper, I can talk about that at length, and draw references to support my POV (though as an undergrad that's a BIG fucking gamble...see below). But in short answers and MCs, I don't have that ability to challenge the ideology (oh how Gramscian I have become).
So no matter how much I think some of the stuff is crap, I have to study it. Sigh.
OK, I said earlier that if you challenge the dominant logic as an undergrad, even if you are able to cite things to support your POV, it's a big gamble. Why? Well, they don't really expect or even want that sort of thing. So if you don't give them what they want....
I should have remembered that, since I should know to give them what they want instead of what I want. Remember that debacle I had with a history paper last semester? Well, being the contrarian that I am, I decided to write that Churchill was a peacemaker when he made that speech "Iron Curtain Speech." I thought it'd be cool to do that (I didn't actually believe that position, just thought it would be fun). Well, they didn't think so. Haha, bummer.
OK, back to work. I have test next week and two papers due as well. Need to edit the papers some more. Wish me luck!
Monday, 11 November 2019
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Not a bicyclist, but
I don't ride bikes, and if you've been reading the blog, you know I don't care much for bikers. But I must admit, this is pretty cool...
And since crazy Ottawa people ride their bikes even in the winter, well, this is probably a good idea.
And since crazy Ottawa people ride their bikes even in the winter, well, this is probably a good idea.
Tuesday, 5 November 2019
I Don't Get it
Well, some of you may know that the Canadian elections took place, and Trudeau remains Prime Minister but in a minority government.
Out in the western provinces, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Liberals (Trudeau's party) did not win a SINGLE seat. So all the MPs from those provinces are with other parties. Shows how unhappy folks out west are with the Liberals. Why?
Well, the Liberals are not right wing enough for them, first of all. They also like immigrants, so the right wing bastards don't much like that either. But more importantly, the Liberals don't want to promote oil and gas, and were very reluctant to build those pipelines. Oil and gas, though, is the bread and butter of (esp) Alberta. Get the picture?
Anyway, so in Parliament, these two provinces voted in MPs from mostly the Conservatives, and a couple of small parties. But no Liberals.
And now they are bitching that Trudeau's cabinet won't have any western representation.
Wait, what?
You have fucking spoken! You said fuck you, Liberals! You wanted all your MPs to be from other parties than the ruling one. And now you complain you have no representation in cabinet? Well, FUCK YOU TOO!
I just don't get it. Seriously, I really don't understand all this sense of entitlement that is so pervasive these days.
Out in the western provinces, particularly Alberta and Saskatchewan, the Liberals (Trudeau's party) did not win a SINGLE seat. So all the MPs from those provinces are with other parties. Shows how unhappy folks out west are with the Liberals. Why?
Well, the Liberals are not right wing enough for them, first of all. They also like immigrants, so the right wing bastards don't much like that either. But more importantly, the Liberals don't want to promote oil and gas, and were very reluctant to build those pipelines. Oil and gas, though, is the bread and butter of (esp) Alberta. Get the picture?
Anyway, so in Parliament, these two provinces voted in MPs from mostly the Conservatives, and a couple of small parties. But no Liberals.
And now they are bitching that Trudeau's cabinet won't have any western representation.
Wait, what?
You have fucking spoken! You said fuck you, Liberals! You wanted all your MPs to be from other parties than the ruling one. And now you complain you have no representation in cabinet? Well, FUCK YOU TOO!
I just don't get it. Seriously, I really don't understand all this sense of entitlement that is so pervasive these days.
One More Month to Go!
Heading towards the end of semester now. Another month of classes, then onto finals. Time really flies by. Sometimes it's hard to fathom that this is now the third semester I'm undertaking this undergrad adventure! And it's been fun.
The term paper for one my classes is due this Thursday. Yesterday I overheard this couple of people talking. One had not even started the paper. The other, much more gung-ho, said, "I've written four pages now. I always want to start early." Okay.
Today I'm going back to the dentist to do the follow-up. I hope all is healing well, and that I can get back to my STEAK!!!! Shit, I've had so much cottage cheese and shit for the last week. By the way, DO NOT EVER BUY THAT NESTLE BOOST PROTEIN DRINK. It tastes like muck.
Been two weeks since the political sociology midterm. One essay question and the rest is scantron. And we still haven't it back. I have a feeling that people must have not done well on the scantron bit, that's why the prof hasn't even posted THOSE grades. There were a few questions that I thought were tricky and debatable. So maybe he is waiting to see how we do on the essay before finalizing the grades. Well, that's my theory anyway.
But I got 95% on my European history midterm. Yay! So I'm just missing the sociology one.
I have a second US history test coming up in two weeks though. But that shouldn't be too bad.
I really don't like this daylight savings time stuff. Yesterday I came out of class at 5:20 and it was pitch black outside. Fuck, I thought it was the twilight zone or something. It just gets dark way too early, man.
Remembrance Day coming up next Monday. Haven't even got my poppy yet!
The term paper for one my classes is due this Thursday. Yesterday I overheard this couple of people talking. One had not even started the paper. The other, much more gung-ho, said, "I've written four pages now. I always want to start early." Okay.
Today I'm going back to the dentist to do the follow-up. I hope all is healing well, and that I can get back to my STEAK!!!! Shit, I've had so much cottage cheese and shit for the last week. By the way, DO NOT EVER BUY THAT NESTLE BOOST PROTEIN DRINK. It tastes like muck.
Been two weeks since the political sociology midterm. One essay question and the rest is scantron. And we still haven't it back. I have a feeling that people must have not done well on the scantron bit, that's why the prof hasn't even posted THOSE grades. There were a few questions that I thought were tricky and debatable. So maybe he is waiting to see how we do on the essay before finalizing the grades. Well, that's my theory anyway.
But I got 95% on my European history midterm. Yay! So I'm just missing the sociology one.
I have a second US history test coming up in two weeks though. But that shouldn't be too bad.
I really don't like this daylight savings time stuff. Yesterday I came out of class at 5:20 and it was pitch black outside. Fuck, I thought it was the twilight zone or something. It just gets dark way too early, man.
Remembrance Day coming up next Monday. Haven't even got my poppy yet!
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