When I went to the gym this morning, I saw several unmarked black Suburbans and a few cop cars outside the hotel. That itself is nothing unusual. The hotel is right next to Parliament, and is a favourite haunt of visiting and domestic dignitaries. I am no dignitary. I just go to the gym there.
Anyway, in the gym, there were new signs posted saying not to pictures etc and to respect guest privacy. The manager told me someone famous might be coming to use the gym. Oh well. Maybe some celebrity? Who knows, right?
So there I was, fifteen minutes into my workout, when the sidedoor opened and in came this famous person. Along with five or six big guys with earphones and black suits.
It was Obama.
I did respect his privacy. I didn't take his picture or shake his hand. But I was not two feet from him, and we exchanged a smile and a nod. And a hand to the heart gesture from yours truly.
So I can tell people I worked out with Obama for half an hour!
One of the interesting things about living in a nation's capital.
Friday, 31 May 2019
Thursday, 23 May 2019
This Memorial Day
Happy Memorial Day weekend to my US friends.
As you celebrate in your way, do spare a minute to remember those who serve, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
Let Katherine Jenkins help us remember
As you celebrate in your way, do spare a minute to remember those who serve, especially those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.
And they say Volvos are durable?
After 148,000 miles, I now need new rear brakes and my whole air con system (compressor, evaporator, the works) is gone.
Cost to repair: about what Etown pays an adjunct professor per course.
Did I tell you I am unemployed?
I should start a Go Fund Me page!!!!!
Cost to repair: about what Etown pays an adjunct professor per course.
Did I tell you I am unemployed?
I should start a Go Fund Me page!!!!!
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Don't mean to scare you
In history class, I was reminded of the nuclear tests that took place in the 50s. Most famous of all was the Bikini atoll blasts (that's where the name "bikinis" came from, btw), and the "Castle Bravo" test that was a total miscalculation.
Anyway, I always wondered what happened to all that nuclear waste from the blasts. Lo and behold, here's a story in today's news. Nuclear Dome Cracking
Do read the story. It's scary shit. And a half life of 24000 years? Fuck. With rising water levels and heightened storms due to climate change, I think we are doomed. Hopefully, not until after I'm gone. I really rather not have to deal with zombies....
Anyway, I always wondered what happened to all that nuclear waste from the blasts. Lo and behold, here's a story in today's news. Nuclear Dome Cracking
Do read the story. It's scary shit. And a half life of 24000 years? Fuck. With rising water levels and heightened storms due to climate change, I think we are doomed. Hopefully, not until after I'm gone. I really rather not have to deal with zombies....
Monday, 20 May 2019
On Cultural Appropriation and other PC stuff
If you actually read this, you probably know Chunski reasonably well. And you would no doubt know that political correctness is not one of Chunski's strong suits. Not that I seek to offend people, but I think people are too easily offended these days.
Take cultural appropriation. Person A does something that is not distinctively from her/his ethnicity, there results an outcry of cultural appropriation. Take this latest incident reported in The Globe and Mail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/article-tanya-tagaq-other-inuit-singers-boycotting-2019-indigenous-music/?fbclid=IwAR35tpRt7CQIOzX2rHcGXV9VbUNF6srzbsh43A79OSfLY2NLe_gOGu_520U
I suppose if a non-Chinese dresses up as Confucius or something, that would be cultural appropriation? Or a white guy/gal with an braids would be called out for the same thing. And in the reported case, a Cree singing the Inuit way was boycotted and trashed.
OK, so how about me wearing jeans and t-shirt? Or eating with knife and fork? Or reading and writing poetry in English? Or how about if I played the guitar? And what happens when a person of Hispanic descent eats sushi? Or, make sushi for that matter? I have a million such questions to ask. I think I am just confused.
Now of course shit like black face, the slanted eye Charlie Chan, the Cleveland Indians, the McGill Redmen, and other crap of that nature is bullshit. And we are right to condemn them. But I'm not entirely convinced about cultural appropriation claims.
What are your thoughts?
Is THIS cultural appropriation? Do superheroes have their own culture?

Take cultural appropriation. Person A does something that is not distinctively from her/his ethnicity, there results an outcry of cultural appropriation. Take this latest incident reported in The Globe and Mail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/music/article-tanya-tagaq-other-inuit-singers-boycotting-2019-indigenous-music/?fbclid=IwAR35tpRt7CQIOzX2rHcGXV9VbUNF6srzbsh43A79OSfLY2NLe_gOGu_520U
I suppose if a non-Chinese dresses up as Confucius or something, that would be cultural appropriation? Or a white guy/gal with an braids would be called out for the same thing. And in the reported case, a Cree singing the Inuit way was boycotted and trashed.
OK, so how about me wearing jeans and t-shirt? Or eating with knife and fork? Or reading and writing poetry in English? Or how about if I played the guitar? And what happens when a person of Hispanic descent eats sushi? Or, make sushi for that matter? I have a million such questions to ask. I think I am just confused.
Now of course shit like black face, the slanted eye Charlie Chan, the Cleveland Indians, the McGill Redmen, and other crap of that nature is bullshit. And we are right to condemn them. But I'm not entirely convinced about cultural appropriation claims.
What are your thoughts?
Is THIS cultural appropriation? Do superheroes have their own culture?
Sunday, 19 May 2019
There Ain't No Cure For the Summertime Blues
Know that song?
Check it out. Great song.
The Who's version of the song. Live.
Regardless, if you do have the summertime blues, try baking!
Here's my handiwork this morning
Check it out. Great song.
The Who's version of the song. Live.
Regardless, if you do have the summertime blues, try baking!
Here's my handiwork this morning
Long term planning
Assuming I don't drop dead right away after I finish this BA, what next?
I don't really want to pursue a graduate degree. A bit too much work, especially since this is purely for personal interest. And doing yet another BA seems kind of nuts.
I do like school though.
Yes, I know, there's plenty of time between now and then, but if you know me, you know I like to think about stuff like this. So right now here's what I am considering:
Go to law school.
Yeah, it will be a pain to do the LSAT and prep for it. But it will be fun though. My target of course is to do better than my son did. Haha.
Wouldn't it be fun if I actually do it? Just for the heck of it? What do you think?
I don't really want to pursue a graduate degree. A bit too much work, especially since this is purely for personal interest. And doing yet another BA seems kind of nuts.
I do like school though.
Yes, I know, there's plenty of time between now and then, but if you know me, you know I like to think about stuff like this. So right now here's what I am considering:
Go to law school.
Yeah, it will be a pain to do the LSAT and prep for it. But it will be fun though. My target of course is to do better than my son did. Haha.
Wouldn't it be fun if I actually do it? Just for the heck of it? What do you think?
Friday, 17 May 2019
Benefits of being a student
When I decided to return to school I really wanted to learn something different, and to enjoy academe from the other side. Well, I am achieving that, but I also realized that with being a full time student comes a variety of benefits that I didn't count on.
Medical Services
Some of you may have heard that while nationalized health care is cool, it's not perfect. One of the shortfalls is that it's hard to get a family doctor. Well, University of Ottawa comes to the rescue, if you are a student or an employee. As a student, I can be assigned a family doctor, and once that is done, your family doctor stays with you even after you have graduated!
While on the subject, let me pontificate a bit. Not long ago, though we had national health care, doctors could charge what was called "extra billing." So some doctors charge more than the plan allows, and patients pay the difference. Of course, if you didn't want to pay the extra, you could pick doctors who didn't charge extra. Now this naturally benefits those who had better secondary health insurance (usually from big employers) or who were financially better off. Not "fair," in some views. Regardless, that was the system, and we had none of this shortage of family doctors or wait times etc. Now, with a single tier system, extra billing is gone. But wait time increases and a lot of doctors moved to the US. As I said, nothing is perfect.
Would I be able to pick a system, I'd pick the old way. It's more equitable than what is in the US, which sees tens of million without proper insurance, but at the same time you can pay for better care if you can afford it. I am no communist, as you can tell by now. But I am not an out and out capitalist either. Anyway, it's not up to me.
So, the UO system is great. The university also runs multiple clinics on and off campus. It's so nice. Well, I have yet to make use of that, thank goodness. But it's good to know the option is there. I am registering with a family doctor, though. :)
Did I tell you I get 10% off groceries every Tuesday at the supermarket near where I live? Some other supermarkets even do that every Tuesday and Thursday! It adds up, you know.
And I get a bus pass during the school year, so I can take public transit when I want. Very convenient.
I also get student discounts at barber shops :)
Over the summer, I will be spending some time back in Maryland. Wanted to find a local gym for when I'm in town. And many offer student rates too! Oh yeah!
And if I want to, I can to the university's food bank to get free food. Well, I won't do that. But if I'm desperate! There's also a free shop on campus, where students can donate clothing etc that they no longer want, and other students can go and pick stuff they want. So if one day you come across a stranger wearing an Oregon State shirt, you might wonder if he/she goes to U Ottawa and got that from the free shop!
Well, enough musing. Reading this great tome called the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. It's something like four inches thick. So far I am really enjoying. Just some light summer reading.
Medical Services
Some of you may have heard that while nationalized health care is cool, it's not perfect. One of the shortfalls is that it's hard to get a family doctor. Well, University of Ottawa comes to the rescue, if you are a student or an employee. As a student, I can be assigned a family doctor, and once that is done, your family doctor stays with you even after you have graduated!
While on the subject, let me pontificate a bit. Not long ago, though we had national health care, doctors could charge what was called "extra billing." So some doctors charge more than the plan allows, and patients pay the difference. Of course, if you didn't want to pay the extra, you could pick doctors who didn't charge extra. Now this naturally benefits those who had better secondary health insurance (usually from big employers) or who were financially better off. Not "fair," in some views. Regardless, that was the system, and we had none of this shortage of family doctors or wait times etc. Now, with a single tier system, extra billing is gone. But wait time increases and a lot of doctors moved to the US. As I said, nothing is perfect.
Would I be able to pick a system, I'd pick the old way. It's more equitable than what is in the US, which sees tens of million without proper insurance, but at the same time you can pay for better care if you can afford it. I am no communist, as you can tell by now. But I am not an out and out capitalist either. Anyway, it's not up to me.
So, the UO system is great. The university also runs multiple clinics on and off campus. It's so nice. Well, I have yet to make use of that, thank goodness. But it's good to know the option is there. I am registering with a family doctor, though. :)
Did I tell you I get 10% off groceries every Tuesday at the supermarket near where I live? Some other supermarkets even do that every Tuesday and Thursday! It adds up, you know.
And I get a bus pass during the school year, so I can take public transit when I want. Very convenient.
I also get student discounts at barber shops :)
Over the summer, I will be spending some time back in Maryland. Wanted to find a local gym for when I'm in town. And many offer student rates too! Oh yeah!
And if I want to, I can to the university's food bank to get free food. Well, I won't do that. But if I'm desperate! There's also a free shop on campus, where students can donate clothing etc that they no longer want, and other students can go and pick stuff they want. So if one day you come across a stranger wearing an Oregon State shirt, you might wonder if he/she goes to U Ottawa and got that from the free shop!
Well, enough musing. Reading this great tome called the Rise and Fall of the British Empire. It's something like four inches thick. So far I am really enjoying. Just some light summer reading.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
That time of year
Well, the school year is officially over. Grades are out. Summer is on (not so much weather-wise, but for school, it's summer). And it's time to plan out next year's course selections.
I register on June 4. At UOttawa, we pick courses for both fall and winter semester (notice how, because it's Ottawa, the Jan-May term is not called Spring term, but WINTER term -- how fucking appropriate) over the summer. We can go back and change our selections, but this is the first crack at getting into courses you really want.
Which takes me to a fork in the road. Multiple forks, multiple roads, actually.
I don't live on campus, though it's close enough. But I don't relish going in for a class, then waiting three or four hours for the next one. So I like to pack them in tight, so I can go on campus, do the classes, and be done for the day. That creates scheduling problems.
Anyway, I have some courses that I plan to take, but I will have to filter some out and finalize my course schedule before June 4. Let me run them by you, and if you have any suggestions, let me know!
For fall, my "consideration set" (can't help throwing a CB term in there) includes:
US history 1877-1945
Middle East history since WWI
British North America
Roman Empire
Intro to linguistics
Science and social thought (a philosophy class)
Political Sociology
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts
I need to narrow them down to five (that's a full load). The only ones I'm sure about are US History and French.
And then there's Winter. My consideration set includes:
Philosophy of history
Early Empire
British Empire
Europe in the 20th Century
British history 1800 to present
Sociology of the US
And again, I need to pick five.
Of course, some may not be available. But if they all are, I have decisions to make. Not easy. If you have suggestions, please let me know.
Hmm, maybe I should take an Intro to Marketing as a grade booster??? Hahaha.
I register on June 4. At UOttawa, we pick courses for both fall and winter semester (notice how, because it's Ottawa, the Jan-May term is not called Spring term, but WINTER term -- how fucking appropriate) over the summer. We can go back and change our selections, but this is the first crack at getting into courses you really want.
Which takes me to a fork in the road. Multiple forks, multiple roads, actually.
I don't live on campus, though it's close enough. But I don't relish going in for a class, then waiting three or four hours for the next one. So I like to pack them in tight, so I can go on campus, do the classes, and be done for the day. That creates scheduling problems.
Anyway, I have some courses that I plan to take, but I will have to filter some out and finalize my course schedule before June 4. Let me run them by you, and if you have any suggestions, let me know!
For fall, my "consideration set" (can't help throwing a CB term in there) includes:
US history 1877-1945
Middle East history since WWI
British North America
Roman Empire
Intro to linguistics
Science and social thought (a philosophy class)
Political Sociology
Interdisciplinary Studies in the Arts
I need to narrow them down to five (that's a full load). The only ones I'm sure about are US History and French.
And then there's Winter. My consideration set includes:
Philosophy of history
Early Empire
British Empire
Europe in the 20th Century
British history 1800 to present
Sociology of the US
And again, I need to pick five.
Of course, some may not be available. But if they all are, I have decisions to make. Not easy. If you have suggestions, please let me know.
Hmm, maybe I should take an Intro to Marketing as a grade booster??? Hahaha.
Saturday, 11 May 2019
Count my lucky stars
Meaning to replace my winter tires, now that winter is (almost) gone. Took them down, and then realized one of them was about to blow up on me! Talk about tread separation!
The photo doesn't do it justice. Part of the tread is actually loose. They have only seen five winters of use! DO NOT BUY PIRELLIs!!!!!
The photo doesn't do it justice. Part of the tread is actually loose. They have only seen five winters of use! DO NOT BUY PIRELLIs!!!!!
Sunday, 5 May 2019
When Chunski went for a Hungarian meal
A schnitzel platter for four.
Shortly after:
Where have all the schnitzel gone
long time passing
Where have all the schnitzel gone
long time ago....
Shortly after:
Where have all the schnitzel gone
long time passing
Where have all the schnitzel gone
long time ago....
Friday, 3 May 2019
Now comes the flood
Eastern Ontario and Western Quebec have been hard hit by major floods. Melting snow from the record snowfall this winter, coupled with record rain and heavy storms from the Texas Low have caused water levels to rise way above the threshold. Sometimes above highway bridges!
Called in the army
The city of Ottawa and across the river, the city of Gatineau see many neighbourhoods flooded and residents moved out.
Meanwhile the rain continues.
This is so sad.
You'd think now that winter is finally over, we'd get some reprieve. And now this. I'm thankful that I don't live near the Ottawa river, but so many thousands have had their homes and dreams destroyed.
Life is just one shit after another. And then you die. WTF.
Called in the army
The city of Ottawa and across the river, the city of Gatineau see many neighbourhoods flooded and residents moved out.
Meanwhile the rain continues.
This is so sad.
You'd think now that winter is finally over, we'd get some reprieve. And now this. I'm thankful that I don't live near the Ottawa river, but so many thousands have had their homes and dreams destroyed.
Life is just one shit after another. And then you die. WTF.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
One Year Done
Wow, the school year went by very quickly. It seems just a little while ago when I started my undergraduate adventure at University of Ottawa. The two semesters have come and gone. Just like that. It's been great. I feel so fortunate to have had this opportunity to do something just for the sake of it. What a nice change of pace.
For the first time in my life, I actually cared about my studies. When grades don't really matter at all, I suddenly want to see just how well I can do. I have taken a variety of courses, and by and large I have really enjoyed myself.
What did I take this past year?
Two French courses.
Principles of Sociology
Principles of Anthropology
Horror Fiction
History of Canada
History of US post WW2
World History post WW2
Diversity in Canada
I registered for a Sociology of the Family course, but some of you may remember that I dropped that class because the prof hates men. At least she seems to hate me. So this past semester I took a lighter load, with only four courses.
To have the luxury to take this range of courses, to just learn for the sake of learning, that's priceless. And for the first time in heavens know how many years, I am learning something absolutely non-business. A breath of fresh air.
Courses for next fall aren't out yet, so I don't know for sure what I'll be taking. History-heavy, I would think. Maybe a French. Apart from that, I'll know later as the summer progresses.
Got an interesting email with a potential job for the next school year. The Faculty of Arts is looking for student mentors. I don't know if they sent the email out to everyone, but I was asked to apply. Thinking about it. Should I? Me? A STUDENT mentor? Will surely be interesting. Don't know how well I can relate to these youngsters, and how well they will relate to me. And will they take one look at my resume and say, nevermind? Hmmmmmm.
Some things I have learned as a student:
1. Go to class
2. Read ahead of the class
3. Pay attention
4. Review early and often
5. Remember: you only have to do better than most others. Don't sweat it
6. Avoid study groups
7. Take advantage of free food events
8. Find worthy causes to help and support
9. Look out for freebies and take them
10. Make use of student discounts
11. Talk to profs and TAs, that's what they are here for
12. Don't assume you know what an assignment entails. Ask!
I made that last mistake. There's this assignment I had to do, and it's worth 30% of the grades. I did it the way I thought it should be done. Trouble is, I am not the one grading it. Don't do this again. That costed me an A! FUCK! And I have no one to blame but myself.
School's out. I can't wait for the new school year to start! Have a good summer!
For the first time in my life, I actually cared about my studies. When grades don't really matter at all, I suddenly want to see just how well I can do. I have taken a variety of courses, and by and large I have really enjoyed myself.
What did I take this past year?
Two French courses.
Principles of Sociology
Principles of Anthropology
Horror Fiction
History of Canada
History of US post WW2
World History post WW2
Diversity in Canada
I registered for a Sociology of the Family course, but some of you may remember that I dropped that class because the prof hates men. At least she seems to hate me. So this past semester I took a lighter load, with only four courses.
To have the luxury to take this range of courses, to just learn for the sake of learning, that's priceless. And for the first time in heavens know how many years, I am learning something absolutely non-business. A breath of fresh air.
Courses for next fall aren't out yet, so I don't know for sure what I'll be taking. History-heavy, I would think. Maybe a French. Apart from that, I'll know later as the summer progresses.
Got an interesting email with a potential job for the next school year. The Faculty of Arts is looking for student mentors. I don't know if they sent the email out to everyone, but I was asked to apply. Thinking about it. Should I? Me? A STUDENT mentor? Will surely be interesting. Don't know how well I can relate to these youngsters, and how well they will relate to me. And will they take one look at my resume and say, nevermind? Hmmmmmm.
Some things I have learned as a student:
1. Go to class
2. Read ahead of the class
3. Pay attention
4. Review early and often
5. Remember: you only have to do better than most others. Don't sweat it
6. Avoid study groups
7. Take advantage of free food events
8. Find worthy causes to help and support
9. Look out for freebies and take them
10. Make use of student discounts
11. Talk to profs and TAs, that's what they are here for
12. Don't assume you know what an assignment entails. Ask!
I made that last mistake. There's this assignment I had to do, and it's worth 30% of the grades. I did it the way I thought it should be done. Trouble is, I am not the one grading it. Don't do this again. That costed me an A! FUCK! And I have no one to blame but myself.
School's out. I can't wait for the new school year to start! Have a good summer!
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